10 Best Business Explainer Videos Ever

Explainer videos are one of the top marketing tools for any business. But what are the best of all time? We take a deep dive to deliver the best for inspiration.

10 Best Business Explainer Videos Ever

Business explainer videos  are the ultimate icebreaker to get people excited about what you do.

In this article, we're showcasing some of the best explainer videos out there, breaking them down to spark your creativity and help you craft your own masterpiece.

Quick side note: You might hear explainer videos called "corporate explainer videos" sometimes. Both terms are cool with us, but there's a subtle difference. Business explainer videos focus on explaining what your business does, while corporate explainer videos might be more about building brand awareness.

Here's why this matters:

  • Business explainer video: Think "solving a customer's problem"
  • Corporate explainer video: Think "building a company image"

Let's dive into some awesome examples!

1. CaraKit

There are unlimited types of businesses around the world offering special or unique services. The more deeply creators understand the business, the better they'll be able to convey the right message to their audience.

Watching this CaraKit video, we see how the production team had researched the field to create the right mood and concept. They created a design and selected a complementary pace to get the viewer to take in the CaraKit message with confidence and interest.  

If you're looking for healthcare business video ideas for your project, the CaraKit video is one of the best examples to study.

2. Sphere

To explain complex business ideas, one of the best options you can choose is 2D animation. This style will give you the flexibility to express everything and make your content more digestible.

As an example, you can watch this Sphere video where design combined with professional animation skills makes every word from the narration more clear and understandable.

And the color combination and the style of this video will satisfy even the most demanding clients.

Useful Resource
20 Types Of Explainer Videos With Examples

3. Two Desperados

For all its projects and service solutions, Google always presents video content that masterfully delivers its ideas to a large audience.

This time it's a new video based on a real-life story that explains what Google for Startup is. The “Two Desperados" video will engage and persuade any viewer watching it. With gorgeous visuals and a thoughtfully planned concept (as always), this video will influence many other creative minds on new ideas.

4. Huckleberry | Small Business Insurance Made Easy

Are you searching for short business explainer video ideas? I've got one of the shortest.
The Huckleberry - Small Business Insurance Made Easy video runs only a handful of seconds and is just as effective as any other long form content.

Short videos are getting more and more popular, and are for sure going to be the general marketing trend in the future.

The modern consumer is getting spammed by endless irrelevant content, and the demand for short and quick delivering content is at a premium. Just take a look at any social media, all these platforms prefer short videos over long. Analyzing viewer behavior on social media channels shows extensive information about user preferences, so it’s not a coincidence that these platforms also require short videos.  

This video perfectly masters, even in 14 seconds, how we can explain business advantages to our potential audience.

5. Zoom Rooms

Sharing your business benefits is one of the reasons that video marketing exists. Yet one of the best solutions for creating a successful business video is to bring those benefits to the forefront from the first moment. That way, it becomes clear for the viewer that this is something of interest to them.

The Zoom Rooms video implements this technique, making it clear how viewers can benefit from the platform. This short and bright business explainer video gets their ideas across digital media in the most efficient way.

6. DollarShaveClub.com - Our Blades Are F***ing Great

Maybe this video has been mentioned in too many different blogs and articles as exceptional video content, but while collecting the best business explainer videos, I couldn't keep myself from selecting it again.

The invaluable success this video brought to the company makes business people study the content as one of the major elements that took Dollar Shave Club to dizzying success. Just 48 hours after the release of the video, the company got more than 12000 orders.

It took just 5 years for Michael Dubin to go from a small startup to a company worth 1 billion dollars. Without the fame this video brought to the company, that would have been impossible. After you've watched the video and read the Dollar Shave Club's origin story, there should be no doubt left that a business explainer video is an essential tool to building a successful business.

7. “A Coke is a Coke”

Coca-Cola has come up with so many great video marketing ideas (creating history for the marketing world), I couldn't create a list that doesn't include at least one example from the beverage giant. Ultimately, their video marketing is what has kept this brand stand so strong for so many years.

“A Coke is a Coke” is one of my favorite business animations, showing how we can make our market positioning more targeted. They thought outside the box, saying that their drink is for everyone - basically targeting all people around the world. To make this happen, they made this incredible animation that shows different people sharing the same drink.

8. Put An End To Workplace Silos With Asana

If you want to talk about unique characters, then the “Put An End To Workplace Silos With Asana" video is something to discuss. To create their business explainer video, the Asana team found inspiration in buildings, bringing to life human-like silos towers. This is a rather interesting move, especially if you want to explain to your viewers how they can "Put An End To Workplace Silos". The human-like buildings make it impossible to ignore the content, which combined with a simple explanation turns this into one of the most successful business videos.

9. Set Your Imagination Free

The Adobe team decided to simplify the explanation of their services in just one phrase: “Set Your Imagination Free,” and this is exactly what Adobe is all about.

Heavily relying on visual explanations, this video leaves no doubt to the viewer what Adobe is all about. Another reason this video works so well is its light and progressive mood, inspiring everyone, even those who aren’t in the illustration field.

10. Once Upon a Ride

If you're seeking ideas that will help you get better engagement with your target audience, then a true-life story is worth considering. This option will help you build more personal relations with your audience and show more of a human side of your business.

I've picked this particular project to show even real people can be represented effectively with animation. The main characters here are illustrated in shadows so everyone can project themselves in similar situations.

When we use live-action, it can be tricky to find actors that won't distract the viewers' attention to her/his differences and steer them from the message.

The “Once Upon a Ride" video was selected to show how with animation, even a true-life business video can become impressive content that can build associations with any viewer.

Final Words -

I hope you enjoyed my “hall of fame” list of the best business explainer videos of all time. If you’ve got a great idea for your own video marketing content, don’t hesitate to reach out to us any time for a free consultation. Our expert strategists are always happy to help

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