10 Examples of Fabulous Custom Explainer Videos

We discuss 10 of the best custom explainer video examples online. Each takes a different angle allowing you to draw inspiration and implement in your videos.

10 Examples of Fabulous Custom Explainer Videos

Top-Performing organizations understand that a copy-and-paste marketing strategy isn’t going to cut it.

Instead, successful companies invest in custom explainers because a tailored message consistent with the brand will professionally present the business and convert at an exponentially higher rate.

Below we cover some of the best explainer video examples online to help you produce the best content possible.

  1. Tilder
  2. Interac Transit
  3. Peter Steineck
  4. Adobe Project Shasta
  5. Lunar Crush
  6. ETH Zurich
  7. Bailey Nelson
  8. Amazon Smart Home
  9. Samsung
  10. Pantree

1. Tilder

Tilder is a long-form audio transcribing and organization application. The company’s animated custom explainer video shows us how incorporating the user interface can help viewers understand the product or service.

Throughout the video, we’re shown direct examples of how Tilder works with the app's interface. Not only is this an effective way to sell a digital product, but it gives the viewer an idea of what they can expect once they make a purchase.

Tilder explains how their AI organizes audio into a transcript with breaks, chapter titles, and a summary of each section with direct examples from the app. The concept is much easier to understand when accompanied by the UI.

Help viewers visualize the user experience

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Using a simple clean style that fits the message
  • Save the viewer’s time by cutting through the noise
  • Excellent sound design

2. Interac Transit

The explainer above from Interac Transit gives us an example of producing an engaging video without using a voice-over. Typically, explainer videos walk the viewer through a product or service with a detailed script accompanied by visuals. However, Interac Transit decided to put their product in action and skip the VO altogether.

While it is a risky move, the animators keep the viewer engaged with striking visuals and including a creative way to get their message across. Placement of the text on the bus, in the transit station, and on billboards keep the viewer's attention and explains the value of the service.

If you choose to make an explainer video without a voice-over, make sure you adequately describe the product and keep viewers entertained.

Simplistic, creative messaging

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Great storytelling without a voiceover
  • High-quality animation production with striking visuals

Things that I would prefer to avoid:

  • Using masks in the video. If you have the budget, we recommend producing a new video with the same quality. Masks are a reference to a time period and signal to viewers that the video is outdated or irrelevant.

3. Peter Steineck

Our next custom explainer video is a highly imaginative example that properly showcases the work of the famous motion graphics artist Peter Steineck.

Unlike the other examples on our list, Peter Steineck's video is the work and doesn't need further explanation. Artists, especially in motion graphics, can get away with this approach when they are as talented and inventive as Steineck.

In under 3 minutes, the artist showcases dozens of examples of his animation, synced perfectly to music. Peter Steineck works primarily with musicians creating their visuals and uses creative videos like the example above to demonstrate his style and ability to complement different instruments.

Bring your product front and center

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Bold colors that captivate viewers but keep the focus on the product
  • Simple, uplifting music to set the pace and mood

4. Adobe Project Shasta

After showing you two videos without a VO, we had to provide an example featuring strong scriptwriting.

Adobe's Project Shasta is a new addition to its essential design software collection that uses AI to help users create professional-sounding audio. At the beginning of the video, a problem is presented, recording audio is difficult if you don't know what you are doing, and Shasta is offered as a solution.

The product is complex and is a new step for Adobe, so they had to produce a detailed custom explainer video that clearly covers the service. A confident VO provides details about how audio can be perfected all online with the help of fast-paced visuals and a combination of animation and realistic clipart.

Use multi-media to stand out

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Perfect choice of style which perfectly resonates with the target audience
  • Using photos with animation that looks fresh

5. Lunar Crush

Cryptocurrency is a new, exciting, futuristic sector of finance that is gaining massive attention. Lunar Crush shows us an incredible example of how to captivate your target audience. With recognizable imagery, the social intelligence platform speaks directly to the average crypto enthusiast.

As the spaceship glides through a Blade Runner-esque metropolis, the viewer is presented with not-so-subtle crypto cues, including bored ape graffiti, coin symbols, a crypto punk digital billboard, and an ode to the viral phrase 'to the moon.'

Understanding your target audience is essential in explainer videos because you need to keep their attention. Lunar Crush does just that with premium visuals that resonate with the target market.

Embrace your target audience

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Strong choice of the narrator and sound design
  • Breaking down the problem and solutions while speaking directly to the audience

What could be done better:

  • A more specific call to action informing viewers how to use the service
Useful Resource.
10 Best Blockchain Business Explainer Videos to inspire you in 2023

6. ETH Zurich

The animators for ETH Zurich were tasked with the challenge of promoting the company's ACCP Conflict Analysis Tool. You can draw inspiration from this explainer on how to dissect complex ideas, fit them into a short video, and make them digestible to a broader audience.

The video gives an overview of how the tool works and then goes into specifics. Using cards to sort groups into different categories, then showing characters utilizing the framework on a table or whiteboard offers viewers the benefits of the complex tool. Finally, the video ends with a "learn more" style call to action to incentivize views to establish contact with the company.

While the explainer doesn't simplify the framework into terms a child could understand, the animators do a great job breaking down the ideas just enough to spark the interest of negotiators and mediators, creating high converting leads.

Simplifying complex ideas

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Showcasing the process with audio/visual examples

7. Bailey Nelson

Hybrid business models between a traditional and subscription service are becoming more prevalent. While the business framework makes perfect sense for a prescription contact company like Bailey Nelson, the idea is still new and requires explaining.

The video relates with viewers struggling to find the right lenses through a lack of face-to-face consultation of a subscription service. Bailey Nelson demonstrates how a professional will guide them through the selection process to ensure they have the right lenses.

After a consultation, the user can benefit from the convenience of a subscription service. The final line, "Let's make contact," brings the explainer together with a clever play on words.

Bailey Nelson does a great job describing its unique business model, and they do so by relating with the target audience through imagery, language, and hip character creation.

Uplift your audience

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Great brand representation
  • Instill confidence in viewers by having fun while assuring them the product can positively impact their lives

8. Amazon Smart Home

Everyone is aware of smart home and other consumer-facing IoT devices, but many have yet to implement them into everyday life. Amazon's custom explainer video showcases the benefits of connected devices through a relatable character and with the help of animation.

From the time the character gets home until they go to bed, the viewer is shown how each device can make life easier. Animation helps explain the benefits of connectivity by personifying each device, making the consumer aware of the wide range of uses and capabilities of Amazon Smart Home.

Use relatable characters and situations

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Minimalistic style
  • Shows how to reach your audience on an emotional and tangible level

9. Samsung

Capturing the attention of your target market is an essential component of every custom explainer video. Samsung gives us a great example with the animated promo for its sustainable washing machine.

The imagery of plants, windmills, cooking vegetables, and riding bikes are strategically placed to earn the trust of Samsung's environmentally conscious market segment. Once the viewer understands that the video could be of interest, the producers slowly introduce the product. We aren't presented with the product for nearly 40 seconds in a 2-minute video.

Samsung chooses to build trust rather than immediately promote the product. A move that is risky but highly effective, especially to socially or environmentally conscious consumers.

Visuals that complement the messaging

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Delivering an emotional brand promise

10. Pantree

Pantree is another eco-friendly company that helps consumers shop for food and kitchen wear more ethically. The example above is only 30 seconds, so Pantree doesn't have as much time to build trust with the consumer as the Samsung explainer. However, the designers find common ground through branding, style, language, and imagery.

The video is short and to the point but still effectively establishes a connection with the target market through common problems. Pantree raises issues like ethical shopping and supporting massive corporations to capture the viewer's attention within the first 5 seconds of the video.

Proposing an alternative to the norm

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Crafting a substantive message under 30-seconds

Final Words

Custom explainer videos are an essential part of your online marketing strategy. Hopefully, after reviewing 10 incredible examples and reading our breakdowns, you will be able to produce your own highly engaging explainer video. If you are having trouble getting started, reach out to one of our professional animators at Yans Media for a free consultation.

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