How to write an explainer video script - The ultimate guide

Master explainer video scripts with our step-by-step guide! Discover how to engage your audience and convey your message effectively.

How to write an explainer video script - The ultimate guide

People often ask me if there's a reliable formula for crafting an explainer video script.

After more than a decade in this industry, I can confidently say YES.

At first, I didn’t recommend using a set formula because it required some experience.

But now, with the advent of AI and the secret rules I’m about to share, you’ll be able to create an outstanding explainer video script.

1. Create a brief

Creating a detailed brief is essential. Even if you know your product better than Warren Buffet knows the stock market, a concise brief serves as your blueprint, lighthouse, and navigator to reach the right destination.

Here’s something interesting:

8 times out of 10, when we ask our customers to fill out our brief questionnaire, they end up revising their goals and strategies.

Why? Because we ask the right questions that help people see the problem from all angles and discover new opportunities.

Make sure to outline crucial components like the goal of your video, its role in your funnel, the key message, tone, style, and more.

And if you don't know where to start. No worries.

Use our explainer video brief questionnaire here. Ask yourself the right questions, jot down the answers, trim the unimportant bits, and let it guide you until your script is ready.

2. Understanding and digging deeper into the product

The keyword here is "digging." We're talking about really understanding the problems it solves and the real benefits it offers people from a psychological perspective.

What's important is not just tackling general problems but figuring out how to position the product uniquely, so it stands out.

Let me share an interesting example.

When we were making an explainer video for Creattie, a design library with Lottie animations and vector illustrations, we didn't focus on the obvious benefits like editing and downloading design items—something everyone talks about.

Instead, we focused on the script to highlight a big issue designers face with stock websites: the hours spent searching for great designs and, even more importantly, the consistency in those designs.

So, how did we do this?

We conducted a random survey of 1800 designers. From that data, we found out what really bothered our target audience.

Even if you have a guess, it's always valuable to dig deeper. Understand the product from your potential client's perspective and find the real problem you can address in your script.

3. Define the goal of the video

Why is this important?

Well, sometimes companies jump on the explainer video bandwagon just because everyone else is doing it.

But before you dive in, ask yourself: What’s the primary goal?

Make sure every word in your script supports your goal.

Whether it's converting visitors on your landing page or grabbing attention at an expo, consistency and clarity are key.

I know it's tempting to create one explainer video for all your needs, but resist that urge. While one animation might seem versatile, your script should be focused on one specific purpose.

4. Define your key message

As you can tell from the title, this is all about zeroing in on one main point. Why is this so important? In the world of successful explainer videos, you typically have only 60-90 seconds to get your point across. Try to cover everything, and you'll end up with viewers who remember nothing.

Instead, pick one primary message—one core idea to center your script around. Keep it clear and concise, making sure it aligns with your audience's needs and interests. This approach allows you to create engaging content that truly sticks with your viewers.

Expand Your Knowledge
How long should an explainer video be?

5. Understand your audience

Understanding your audience goes way beyond just knowing their demographics, psychographics, job titles, or income levels. You need to dig deeper. Here are a few tips we use that will surely help you out.

Whether your product is B2B or B2C it's not enough to know who the decision maker is. You also need to understand the entire decision-making process. Who's the initiator—the one sparking the conversation about your product? That's crucial information.

After identifying the initiator, determine what they need to know to make an informed decision. Then, ensure you understand the language and tone suitable for better communication.

Here's another great one.

You might not always notice it, but your customers could value your product for various reasons. Identify these different segments and tailor your script to speak directly to each group's unique needs and desires. This personalized approach can make a world of difference.

By truly understanding your audience, you'll create a script that resonates and connects on a deeper level. Your message won't just be heard; it will be felt.

6. Understand the role of the video in the marketing funnel

First, figure out where your video fits in your marketing funnel—is it for awareness, consideration, or decision? Next, tailor your script to match your audience's stage in their buyer’s journey.

Let me break it down for you:

If you're reaching out to people who aren't familiar with the problem or the solution you offer, talk about the problem and possible solutions. This is the awareness stage.

But if your audience already knows about the problem and the different solutions out there—including yours and your competitors'—and they're trying to decide, then highlight your specific solutions (USP). Show them how you stand out and why your solution is the best choice.

I've made this as straightforward as possible, but remember that cases and funnels can vary across different products. So, tailor your script to fit them perfectly for the best results!

For More Insights
All you need to know about video sales funnels to get results

7. Conceptualize the script

This is the last step before you start writing the script.

Now that you've done your homework and gathered all the necessary information, it’s time to develop a conceptual framework for your script. You might be wondering, what does this mean? It’s the strategic approach to your script. For example, is your approach a classic problem-solution narrative or heartwarming storytelling?

Here are the concepts we typically use, depending on the goal of the video:

  • Problem-Solution
    • Identify a common problem and present your product or service as the solution.
    • Clearly demonstrate how your offering solves the problem.
  • Product/Service Demonstration
    • Show your product or service in action.
    • Highlight key features and functionalities through a step-by-step demonstration.
  • Customer Journey/Story
    • Follow a character’s journey as they encounter a problem and find a solution with your product or service.
    • This narrative approach can help viewers relate to the character’s experience.
  • Benefits Highlight
    • Focus on the unique benefits and advantages of your product or service.
    • Explain how these benefits improve the user's life or solve specific pain points.
  • How It Works
    • Provide a detailed explanation of how your product or service works.
    • Use clear visuals and simple language to make complex processes easy to understand.
  • Comparative/Competitive Analysis
    • Compare your product or service with competitors.
    • Highlight what sets your offering apart and why it’s the better choice.
  • Use Case/Scenario
    • Present different use cases or scenarios where your product or service is beneficial.
    • Show versatility and practical applications.
  • Testimonial/Case Study
    • Include real customer testimonials or case studies.
    • Use authentic stories to build credibility and trust.
  • FAQ Format
    • Address common questions and concerns that potential customers might have.
    • Provide clear, concise answers in an engaging way.
  • Visionary/Future-Forward
    • Highlight the innovative aspects of your product or service.
    • Show how it leads to a better future or aligns with industry trends.
  • Behind the Scenes
    • Offer a glimpse behind the scenes of your company.
    • Show the making of your product or introduce key team members to build a personal connection.
  • Educational/Informative
    • Educate your audience about a specific topic related to your product or industry.
    • Position your brand as an expert in the field.
  • Explainer/Overview
    • Provide a general overview of your product or service.
    • Highlight the main points without going into too much detail.
  • Humorous/Fun
    • Use humor to engage your audience.
    • A light-hearted approach can make your message more memorable.
  • Emotional Story
    • Tell a heartwarming or emotionally charged story.
    • Create an emotional connection with your audience to make your message more impactful.
  • User Experience Showcase
    • Focus on the user experience.
    • Show how easy and enjoyable it is to use your product or service.
  • Trend/News-Based
    • Tie your product or service to current trends or news.
    • Show how your offering is relevant in the current context.
  • Step-by-Step Guide/Tutorial
    • Provide a step-by-step guide or tutorial on using your product or service.
    • Help users get started and make the most of your offering.

8. Structure your script

At last, it's time to put the pieces together and start developing the script.

But no matter the concept you chose or the target audience in your funnel, a winning explainer video script needs to have three essential sections.

Let's dive in and explore some key rules to follow for achieving the best results.

1. Introduction / hook

You’ve got just 5 to 15 seconds—that's all the time you have to grab someone's attention and keep them watching your video.

Sounds tough, right?

But don't worry, there’s a way to make it work.

First, be specific, concise, and sharp. Nobody wants to be bombarded with stats or general problems they already know about. People click on your video because they're looking for solutions and weighing their options.

So, be direct and tailored.

For example, take a look at how we helped Dayta Cyclops achieve remarkable success with a project that racked up nearly 600,000 views on YouTube and gave their business a major boost.

When we crafted the script, we didn’t just talk about the usual stuff like the importance of data for businesses or how many stores shut down each year due to lack of data. Instead, we zeroed in on what matters most to the audience with specific, attention-grabbing phrases: "OFFLINE STORES" and "WHO IS VISITING, HOW LONG DID THEY SPEND INSIDE?" These phrases targeted the exact audience and addressed highly specific problems right from the start.

In the first 5 seconds, viewers immediately understood that this solution was designed for them and would make their lives easier.

Master this approach, and you’ll keep your audience hooked for the next 60 seconds to watch the rest of your video.


Now that we've hooked our viewers, it's time to quickly dive into the solution, highlighting how it directly addresses their problem.

Instead of just listing features, we need to emphasize the key benefits and what makes this solution stand out from the competition.

Highlighting what makes it better and different is crucial. Avoid going over every feature that competitors might also have. Instead, focus on the unique benefits that set this solution apart.

Also, make sure to talk about the final results and, if possible, back it up with metrics.

Remember, people don't buy products; they buy solutions to their problems. The better you paint a picture of how your solution will improve their lives, the quicker they will be ready to act.


This section includes two key parts:

  1. Summarizing the main points of placing a viewer in that better world and reaping the benefits.
  2. A strong call to action, so people know exactly what to do next.

When crafting last part, try using phrases like "imagine you [BENEFIT]" or "you can get [BENEFIT] in [time that would excite them]."

Another favorite is: "[Product] can [BENEFIT] in [TIME], and here's the most exciting part—we will help you at every step of the process, making your involvement almost none."

Now, onto the call to action.

This is where you guide people to take the next step. A call to action (CTA) should be concise and exceptionally clear, ensuring people know exactly what to do next. Here are some examples:

  • Schedule a demo now
  • Visit our website to learn more
  • Create your free account today

And don’t rush people to make a purchase. If your video (or a shorter version of it) is on social media, suggest they learn more by clicking through and visiting the landing page. If it’s on your website, encourage them to sign up for a free demo, contact you for more information, or start a free trial.

Remember, sales isn't just about one single action; it's about creating a smooth and engaging journey for your audience.

Writing tips

Keep it simple, keep it simple, and keep it simple.

  • Avoid professional jargon or industry-specific terms.
  • Use straightforward, direct language.
  • Keep your sentences short and to the point.
  • Write from the first-person perspective using "we" and "you" to make it more engaging.

Reviewing and editing

Your best tool isn’t the pen; it’s the scissors. Cut out everything that’s unnecessary, then review and trim it again. Read your script aloud to check for flow, pacing, and ease of understanding. Ensure it’s easy to read, smooth, and sounds like music.

Determining the right length for script

To figure out the right length for your explainer video, we've got a simple rule: aim for 2.5 words per second. This pacing works wonders for keeping your message clear and engaging.

So, for a one-minute video, you're looking at around 150 words.Avoid the temptation to include more content. If you cram too much, your video might feel rushed, and viewers might struggle to keep up with the new information. By sticking to this word count, you'll ensure your message comes through loud and clear, making it easier for your audience to understand and appreciate what you're saying.

Final words

Crafting an effective explainer video script is both an art and a science. By following these steps, you can create engaging, concise, and impactful videos that resonate with your audience. If you need a professional approach and expert help, contact us today to ensure your explainer video stands out and delivers results.

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