Android and iPhone App Demo Video

Know how to create the perfect app promo video or demo video to demonstrate your app.

Android and iPhone App Demo Video

So you’ve got a great mobile app that you’re working on. And while you’re developing it, you’re thinking about marketing, because simply uploading it to the app store or Android Play market won’t get the word out.

Maybe your app is already finished, and you haven’t seen results. You keep thinking, “How do I increase downloads? How can I get to the top of the charts?”

Of course, you’ve thought about demonstrating your app, and you probably know one of the best ways to do this is with an app demo video. In this article, we talk all about that, and tell you how to make the perfect app promo video.

Apps with Videos Rate Higher


  1. What’s an App Demo Video, and How is it Different from a Marketing Video?
  2. Creating Impactful App Demos
  3. 7 Steps of App Demo Video Production Process
  4. Video Requirements for App Store and Android Play Market
    3.1 App Store Video General Requirements
    3.2 Android Google Play Video General Requirements
  5. How to Use App Promo Videos for Other Marketing Situations
  6. FAQ

What’s an App Demo Video?

An app demo video is a concise and visually engaging presentation showcasing an app's key features and benefits. It aims to capture user interest and ultimately encourage downloads and engagement.

Creating Impactful App Demos

While marketing principles remain similar, creating an effective app demo video from a technical and planning perspective requires careful consideration.

Here are some key aspects to ponder:

  • Clarity and Concision: Keep the video short, sweet, and focused on the most impactful features.
  • Visual Appeal: Utilize high-quality visuals, animations, and screen recordings to demonstrate app functionality.
  • Target Audience: Tailor the content and tone to resonate with your specific user demographic.
  • Problem-Solution: Highlight how the app solves a specific problem or addresses a user need.
  • Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Showcase the positive outcomes users can achieve with the app, rather than simply listing technical functionalitie.
  • Call to Action: Encourage viewers to download the app with a clear and compelling call to action.
How To Make Android & Iphone App Demo Video

Your app demo video should be short and to the point. Don’t try to include everything; there’s no need to showcase all the features.

If certain features or functions are unique and part of your UPS, then you can show some of those.

But it’s more important to demonstrate the main benefits of your app — no matter if it’s a finance service, productivity tool, workout app, or game.

Here is the step-by-step process to plan your app demo video production.

7 Steps of App Demo Video Production Process

1. Define Your Concept:

  • Brainstorm and develop a clear and captivating narrative that guides viewers through the app's solutions and benefits, not just features.
  • Focus on the emotional impact and positive outcomes users can achieve with the app.

2. Craft a Compelling Script:

  • Write a script that complements the chosen concept and effectively conveys the app's value proposition.
  • Consider the tone, pace, and delivery style that resonates with your target audience.

3. Develop Your Visual Style:

  • Choose a visual style (live-action, animation, motion graphics) that aligns with your app's brand identity and target audience.
  • Utilize high-quality visuals, animations, or screen recordings to demonstrate the app's functionality in an engaging way.

4. Record Voiceover:

  • Craft a compelling voiceover script that complements the visuals and enhances the storytelling. Consider the tone, pace, and delivery style that resonates with your target audience.
  • Option 1: Hire a Professional Voiceover Artist: Organize an audition to find a voiceover artist who aligns with your vision and target audience. Ensure their voice license covers your commercial needs and media usage.
  • Option 2: Self-Record the Voiceover: If you have the necessary equipment and expertise, you can self-record the voiceover. Ensure high-quality audio recording and consider professional editing or sound treatment if needed.

5. Production:

  • Depending on your chosen style, this stage involves filming live-action footage, creating animations, or editing screen recordings.
  • Ensure high-quality production values to maintain viewer interest.

6. Integrate Sound Design & Music:

  • Incorporate sound effects and background music that elevate the video's emotional impact and complement the visuals and voiceover.
  • Utilize professional sound design or music composition services if needed.

7. Distribute Your Video:

  • Select appropriate platforms (app store, social media, website) to reach your target audience and maximize visibility.
  • Utilize relevant keywords and targeted advertising strategies to ensure your app demo video reaches the right users.

Video Requirements for App Store

Before starting, make sure the video production company has all the requirement details. They need to fully understand app store and android play market requirements for the videos they’re going to create for you.

Android and iPhone App Preview Structure

Android and iPhone App Preview Structure

App Store Video General Requirements

  • Minimum length: 15 seconds
  • Maximum length: 30 seconds
  • Maximum file size: 500 MB
  • Orientation: Portrait or landscape
  • MacOS app previews: Landscape only
  • Maximum frame rate: 30 frames per second
  • Autoplay: iOS app preview videos do autoplay
  • Recommendation: Add subtitles for accessibility

Note that iOS app preview videos now autoplay. We recommend that you add easy-to-read subtitles in case volume is off or the viewer doesn’t catch the beginning.

Additional Tips:

  • Upcoming Xcode requirement: As of April 29, 2024, apps uploaded to App Store Connect must be built with Xcode 15 for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, tvOS 17, or watchOS 10. This might not directly impact video requirements, but it's relevant for app development using Xcode.
  • Always check official sources: Refer to the official App Store documentation AKA app preview specification for the most up-to-date information on video requirements and other guidelines.
android app and ios app video requirements

Android Google Play Video Requirements

Google Play Store offers more flexibility for app preview videos compared to the App Store. Here's a breakdown of the key requirements and recommendations:

  • Length: Unlike the App Store, Google Play does not impose a strict length limit for app preview videos. However, keeping the video around 60 seconds is generally recommended to maintain user engagement.
  • File size: Ensure your video adheres to YouTube's upload guidelines for file size limitations.
  • Orientation: While you can upload in any orientation, landscape is recommended for videos hosted on YouTube and intended for the Play Store.
  • Uploading: You have two options:
    Direct upload:
    Upload up to eight app preview videos directly to your Play Store listing.
    YouTube video URL:
    Use the URL of a video hosted on YouTube.
  • Content: Regardless of the number of videos uploaded, focus on showcasing the app's benefits, core functionalities, and user experience in a clear and engaging way.

More tips

  • If you’re looking to create an explainer video, you can learn more about how long it should be in this article.
  • Device or orientation specs for android demo videos are different. You can also upload your video on YouTube and use the URL from that. If you do this, we recommend you use a landscape orientation

Differences in the store listings

Android and iPhone App Search

How to Use App Promo Videos for Other Marketing Situations

If you’re creating a video, you should plan the production so that it can be used in different places.

I want to say that you should plan production based on funnels you are going to use your video and plan the CTAs. Make the video itself flexible and usable the right way on every platform.

When creating a mobile app demo video, you can use it practically everywhere including:

•Social media
•Other video hosting services
•Email marketing

app video concept

Ask your video production company to create several calls to action for each campaign.

Let me break it down further.

When you’re doing marketing, sales emails, or other marketing campaigns, people should have a short and simple way to download your app. To accomplish this, you should do 2 things.

  • Include separate links for iOS and Android downloads.
  • Refer to your website where viewers can learn more about benefits and then head to the app market for their phone.

You should try both options.

Some products work well to prompt an immediate download, some don’t depending on pricing, competitor saturation, or the need to learn more info. You can talk with us and we’ll guide you through what’s best for yours.

Nobody will ever bother going independently to the app market for their device. They often won’t search for your app, scroll through a bunch of sponsored app ads, and then finally download yours.

Let’s face it, people are lazy.

You need to tell them what to do and then bring them there to do it.

If you’re going to upload your app demo video on YouTube or other video hosts then you can leave links in the descriptions or point them to your site.

The good news is, you have several options and things to try out so you can test to see what works best.

We also suggest creating several calls to action for each target to test those against each other to make the best use of your app demo video. The production cost for a CTA alone isn’t that much. You do need to have the VO artist do extra takes and the production company needs to make minor edits. But it’s worth it to have the custom CTAs.


If you use Vimeo as a host, you can replace the video file at any time. The content will automatically be replaced everywhere your video is embedded or linked! What does this specifically mean for you? You can change a call to action from, say, “download today” to “get a 3 month free trial” and then swap out the video. And you won’t have to reupload it to every place it’s embedded. Then, after your campaign ends, you can bring back the old version or move on to another new offer.


What is the best way to create an Android or iPhone app promo video?

The best way is to hire a video production or explainer video agency. They’ll be able to create a unique video to accomplish your marketing objectives. They’re professionals and will suggest the best marketing solutions and be able to see things you may have missed.

What companies make great Android and iPhone app demo videos?

Video production, marketing agencies, and explainer video companies. If you want specific names, take a look at this article for the 35 best companies for any budget.

Does creating an explainer video for a mobile app help?

A picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth a thousand pictures. If you don’t think that’s true, then you should stop using pictures as well and see how far you get 🙂 All great apps have great videos.

What are the best tools to make a demo video of a mobile app?

Use only professional tools like Adobe Premiere for compiling and editing, and After Effects for creating motion graphics and doing screen recording. There are also other pro applications that are reasonably priced for screen recording. They allow you to add minor effects like highlighting, pointers, zooming, and panning. We honestly don’t recommend doing it on your own. You need a team of professional marketers who understand how to create a concept that works with your marketing strategy to demonstrate your application properly.

What are the best sites to create an app demo?

There’s been a lot of advertising for template-based sites lately. This is something you don’t want to do, even if your budget is less than $100. These sites are cookie-cutter and will make your video look just like the videos from other cheap apps. You definitely don’t want to be associated with that. If you truly have a tiny budget, you’d be better off getting a good screen recording software, practicing, and then making a unique video from screenshots or screen grabs.

What’s a great video camera to record mobile app video demos?

Don’t do that! It’s another mistake that would end up looking terribly amateurish. Again, it would be better to download a screen recorder, plan out what you’d like to show, and then do some captures yourself. Record what you need, edit it so it’s smooth, then add a great music track and some text animation.

What are the influencing factors to consider when making an app video promo?

The main things you need to keep in mind are your marketing strategy, the script, finding the right style for your brand and app, and the video length. You can contact us and we’ll schedule a free consultation.

Final Words

When it comes to apps, we understand that there are many, many different types. We also know that every business has its own marketing plan. If there’s anything we didn’t cover for what you’re looking for, we’re always available to answer any questions you may have!

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