10 Best Mobile App Introduction Videos

There are many paths to creating an outstanding mobile app introduction video. Here are 10 great examples for inspiration.

10 Best Mobile App Introduction Videos

Video is a hugely beneficial tool you should have in your marketing toolbox. A recent study showed that 79% of people have been convinced to buy a piece of software or app after watching a brand’s video.

We’ve already written an extensive article about the steps needed to create an app demo video, and you can check that out here.

Today, though, we’re going to take a look at 10 great examples you can use for inspiration.

1. Varpet – App introduction video

Let’s be honest, the users of any app don’t really care for videos that show your modern office space, your staff, or the awards you’ve won. Instead, what they are really interested in are their immediate needs; like how your app can help them.

The first 18 seconds of this animated introduction video trigger the emotions of the viewer, showing a situation that’s familiar for most people. I mean, who hasn’t struggled to find a reliable expert. After establishing a situation that hooks your interest, they quickly show how easily you can solve your problems by using the Varpet app. Watching this app intro video, the viewer knows when, why, and how he could potentially use it.


2. Curated Restaurants Now on Airbnb

Airbnb teamed up with Resy to offer an in-app restaurant reservation system.
Showing positive experiences in a mobile app introduction video is always a winning tactic. And if you’re looking for the perfect example, watch this app intro. They are pros at telling beautiful stories with harmonic, minimal, and warm visuals.

In fact, we can take away great lessons just by watching any of their marketing videos. They’re always positive, motivating, and engaging.


3. QuizUp – Come at me

Quizup is a mobile gaming app where users can choose from 1200 different topics and then challenge their friends or play with new people who share the same interests.

Animation and live-action is a perfect combination when you want to show user experience and insight on how your mobile app actually works. Humor can work well, but using it correctly is always challenging. You must find the right actors to fit your characters and be convincing in their roles.

This video shows that if you have a creative mind, you can always transform a simple idea into a funny and memorable story to watch.

Useful Recourse
Types of Animation Styles You May Use for Your Next Marketing Project

4. Unroll.Me – Email doesn’t have to suck

Think about how much you get annoyed from spammy emails, especially when the unsubscribe button is always hiding somewhere and finding it seems impossible. The Unroll.me app is a tool that helps its users unsubscribe, and manage and consolidate their email inbox.

In this  app video, they show a customer experience that not only grabs the attention of the viewer from the first seconds but also conveys the information clearly. Starring actual users, the production team shot 6 different episodes to develop an emotional storyline that impacts the viewer.

You would never think that showing only customer experience reactions could be enough to create a successful marketing message, but here it is as a perfect example of an app launch video.

5. SafeDrive App Video

SafeDrive is an application that incentivizes drivers to ignore all incoming phone messages and notifications while driving. It rewards you with points by calculating the amount of the time you drive, the notifications you ignore, and the distance you travel. You can then use earned points to receive discounts on food, fashion, entertainment, or car accessories.

The start of the video seems a bit strange as it’s hard to decipher the connection between footage. But then you get the idea that all those photos were taken right before accidents.
SafeDrive took the approach to this video of choosing to trigger intense emotional response from viewers. Showing footage of the drivers talking and texting just before the accident then creating an animated story about an irresponsible driver makes this app introduction video so impactful that you really want to download the app to make sure the worst never happens to you. This is a perfect example of an introduction video, proving that 1 minute can be enough to make a powerful impact.

6. Amazon AR View

Amazon AR View is an augmented reality tool that helps you to visualize how different items will fit your environment before you buy them. In this 50-second app intro video, they are able to fully show how you can experience Amazon AR View in your own home. This is another example of how customer experience can work well to create a launch video.

7. Wanna Kick App Video

Wanna Kick is an AR sneakers try-on app where you can visualize how different sneakers will look with your fits.

The energy of this video with its animated stickers and emojis combine to make this app intro video a lot of fun to watch. And I’ve rewatched this video more than 5 times simply because I enjoyed the music. When creating an introduction video, it’s essential to choose the right sound design as it can be a strong trigger and hook for the viewer’s attention.

8. Reddit’s New Mobile App

This introduction video is about Reddit’s app that was launched for both iOS and Android.
This video could be seen as a masterclass on how you can use the branding of your company to create compelling, memorable visuals.

Using bright colors and minimalistic graphics, the producers did a great job showing how you can use the app to find topics on any of your interests.


9. Dropbox Mobile App Demo

Dropbox is one of the pioneers of using videos in their marketing; they’re still going strong, showing that we have many things to learn from them.

If you want an ideal mobile app introduction video to become inspired from, here it is. They are masters of visualizing ideas in the most efficient ways. Every scene both live and animated aligns with the app’s branding.

10. Thumbtack “The Future”

You can hire local professionals for nearly every service like home repair, business services, events, pet care, entertainment, etc. by using the Thumbtack app.

“Get out as quick as you can” is one of my all-time favorite ideas when it comes to introduction videos. Here, you’ve got a perfect 30-second mobile app introduction video that hooks the viewer from start to finish and effortlessly shows the benefits you get.


Final Words

As you can see, there are many different paths for making a great mobile app introduction video. You can be fun, be colorful, use your brand assets in unique ways, and a whole lot more. Of course, you ultimately want to be memorable and get people in your funnel. If you’ve got ideas for creating your own app video, our expert strategists are always available for a free consultation.

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