10 Creative Homepage Explainer Video Examples

Homepage explainer videos are an effective way to deliver your business's value proposition and a call to action without making potential customers read text.

10 Creative Homepage Explainer Video Examples

A homepage explainer video is an incredibly effective way to present your business's sales pitch, a new feature, or company mission statement without asking visitors to read text. The best homepage videos encourage visitors to press play, keep them engaged, and effectively deliver a value proposition.

In this post, we review 10 animated homepage explainer video examples. Hopefully, you will draw some inspiration from these successful homepage videos that you can apply to your next project.

1. DotShop

Our first homepage explainer video identifies a problem and then provides their product as the solution. The animation is direct, to the point, and doesn't waste any time hooking the viewer.

Within 60 seconds, the viewer understands the advantage of choosing a .shop domain name over a traditional option like .com or .org. This is a great example that would be perfect for a homepage. Rather than explaining the website's offering through text, the video uses a colorful animation that relates directly to potential business owners.

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2. Network Rail

Network Rail is a non-profit from the UK. The organization is dedicated to advocating for more public transit via train and providing environmentally friendly solutions to make existing rails more sustainable.

The homepage explainer video utilizes animations of wildlife, countryside, and the ocean to support their environmentally friendly vision for the UK's rail system.

Even if you aren't selling a product or rolling out a new feature, you can use an animated homepage explainer video to present the goals or objectives of your organization.

Another great list.
10 Best Animated Nonprofit Explainer Videos To Inspire You

3. Magnati

Finding the right vibe for your homepage explainer video can be challenging. Magnati, an AI-driven payment processing platform built for the Middle East and Africa, does an incredible job of capturing the essence of their company through animation.
The payment processor offers a highly advanced product that uses artificial intelligence to prevent fraud and touchless technology for transactions. Every aspect of the video fits the company's theme, from their robotic VO to the intricate shapes coming together to communicate a complex, secure transaction.

4. Deskvana

30-second animated videos aren't long enough to thoroughly explain your company's outlook for the future or what separates your product from competitors. However, there are creative ways to captivate viewers and make them want to know more about your business.

Deskvana does an amazing job of giving just enough information to get the viewer interested. After watching the video, you are left with more questions than answers, and that's ok if you have a compelling product. Deskvana presents the problem, communicates how easy their meditation app is to use, and ends with a call to action.

Useful Resource.
Everything You Should Know About 30-Second Explainer Videos

5. Chase Mobile App

No matter how big or small your business, an animated explainer video can serve a purpose on your homepage. Chase uses animation to advertise their mobile app.

While everyone is familiar with JP Morgan Chase, the global banking powerhouse must use strategic marketing to stay competitive. The video above is part of their sponsorship at the US Open and was developed specifically to target tennis fans.

Using animation, Chase identifies with potential consumers through a shared interest. Globally recognized brands have to continue to be creative with their marketing when nearly everyone on Earth already understands what they offer.

6. Client Quest

Client Quest is a platform that helps professionals navigate the competitive world of freelancing. The company uses its name to produce cohesive branding and marketing materials.

The homepage explainer video above demonstrates how you can use animation to communicate your company's value proposition and stay on theme with the brand. Animation allows companies like Client Quest, who have catchy names to produce high-quality videos that are on theme and within a reasonable budget.

7. Asana

Asana is a project management platform designed to keep teams organized. The software company uses an animated homepage explainer video to present viewers with their solution, effectively demonstrating the anxiety of being disorganized.

Animation allows you to bring life to abstract concepts and show how your product can solve a problem that isn't easy to adequately explain. Asana does a great job of exhibiting the struggle of working on complex projects and provides examples from their platform in the animation.

8. Intuit Mint

Animated homepage explainer videos don't have to be done solely with animation. Intuit Mint uses a combination of live-action and animation to explain the advantages of using their investing app.

Communicating features in a web-based product are challenging but can be executed through  . Intuit demonstrates specific features in their app using real actors to create a more relatable experience than just animation or live-action.

9. Speak On Chat

Animation allows brands to communicate their features in creative ways. Speak On Chat, a messaging app, chose to use animals to demonstrate the unique characteristics of their product.

By using animals rather than humans., Speak On Chat delivers a hilarious animated homepage video demonstrating the delete function on the app. Showing animals sending embarrassing text messages that need to be deleted immediately is more tasteful than humans. Animals acting sort of horrible to one another is humorous but still effectively shows the cool new feature.

10. Paste by WeTransfer

Paste is a presentation tool that automatically formats ideas into beautifully designed slides. The homepage explainer video uses animation to target a specific audience and demonstrate how the tool works.

Targeting a specific consumer can be challenging. Paste's animation is incredibly tasteful and appeals to designers. The imagery, script, and references in the video all appeal to different aspects of the typical life of a creative. Subtle cues like talking to clients on Zoom and ODing on caffeine build a bond with the brand and potential user.

Final Words

For many businesses, a homepage is the beginning of their sales funnel. Adding a play button is the most effective way to get your product, service, or company messaging directly to potential consumers.

Animated homepage explainer videos give businesses endless potential to demonstrate new features, relate with consumers, and be creative. Contact us today if you want to add an animated video to your homepage but don't know where to start; one of our experienced animation professionals can discuss how you can start converting more web visitors with the power of animation.

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