Top 10 2D Advertising Videos

Businesses often overlook using 2D animation ads when making commercials. But these 10 examples will show you how powerful it can be.

Top 10 2D Advertising Videos

You don’t often hear 2D animation and “commercials” used together. But the only real reason for that is because other forms, such as live action, have been traditionally used for so long. However, times have changed, and 2D animation is as good, if not even better, than live action or 3D animation for commercials. In this article, I show 10 excellent 2D advertising videos that can provide plenty of inspiration for choosing it for your own marketing content.

1. The Watch Standard

Now, with so much information floating around, you can't just simply hope that somebody's recommendation or a one-time announcement will help you grow your business. To acquire customers, you must fight for their attention. And this battle for attention is getting more and more crucial and tougher to win for most businesses. The better you market your business, the better your chances are to survive and thrive.  

In this video for "The Watch Standard," we see how designers use 2D animation to create an effective 2D advertising video for this luxury watch buying and selling platform. Even though animated, this video establishes an atmosphere of trust and confidence, and showcases the security of the brand.

Created by Yans Media

2. Want To Know Where Real Cola Comes From?

We are more used to seeing 2D animation in explainer videos, demos, instructional videos, etc., but what about advertising videos? Advertisements are often thought of as being live-action or in 3D animation; we’re still not entirely accustomed to seeing them in 2D. Therefore, we may not instinctually consider its format for commercials. I can assure you that's a big mistake, and the video ''Want To Know Where Real Cola Comes From'' is one of the best examples of that.

The narrators of this video create a positive and charged environment, so the viewer feels real emotions anchored to wanting to buy or at least try the product. This is what we hope for when producing marketing content; a strong hook to interest the viewer.

Useful Resource
Animation Vs. Live Action: Which is Better for Your Business Video

3. AmEx | Gold

What do customers expect to see from 2D animation ads? The answer is, the same they expect to see from any other kind of ad! Information, a compelling offer, a benefit, a reminder about that benefit, and a call to action to obtain that benefit.

I chose this AmEx Gold video because it has all the aforementioned components to make the viewer engage with the product. First, it’s informative, second, it shows all the benefits that should interest their prospects, and last they can use this marketing video in different mediums to remind the viewer about their product.

If you’re looking for the right concept to create effective 2D ads, then this video is a great subject to learn tips from.

4. Google: Introducing Project Sunroof

One of the reasons 2D animation is so popular among video marketers today is that it’s also a relatively more affordable format for creating marketing videos compared to 3D and live-action production. But affordable or cheaper doesn't have to mean less effective. In this case - even for big brands such as Google - 2D is one of the most preferred styles.

This proves that 2D or motoin graphics has the same power as the other, more expensive styles to create compelling stories, and for your business as well this can be a great option. Why not, when you can tell any story, explain anything, and create efficient visuals with 2D?


We all love Oreos, and there are hardly any kids (or grown-ups) that don't know their cookies. But even for a popular product like this, there’s always a need to remind customers about the sweet taste of their chocolate and cream sandwich cookies.

The core of this video is to show that the cookies are for everyone, and everyone would love to get Oreo cookies as a present. So, the narrators found a unique and creative way to show this visually. They created 3 different scenes from famous tales and retold those stories with Oreos. As you can see, they designed incredibly awesome visuals using only 2D animation, showing there are no limitations for creating compelling content using this format.

6. Shakti Mat

Building customer awareness for your product is a crucial element, especially if what you’re selling is something new to the market. Using a 2D advertising video, you can educate your customers about the benefits of what you’re launching. This tactic will help you both raise awareness and create a strong trigger to buy the product or service. Want to know how to create such a piece? Watch this short Shakti Mat marketing video, and you'll most likely find some inspiration for your own project.

7. A Coke is a Coke

Coca-Cola is not only the biggest brand name in the soft drink industry, it’s also one of the veterans of video marketing. Some of the most famous marketing gurus have worked for Coca-Cola, developing many innovative techniques to make the brand what it is today. So I've decided to include one of my favorite 2D ads from Coca-Cola, and I'm sure you'll like the video too.

The strongest lesson we can learn from this 2D advertising video is that the idea is the most precious piece of content you can have in your hands. With the right idea (and proper execution), you can create an amazing and powerful marketing message for your product.

8. The Smart Fortwo

If you're searching for ways to use both 2D animation and show your physical product, then watch the “Smart Fortwo” video. The creators of this video found a unique way to advertise their cars and help their viewers better identify some “lesser known” benefits.

Showing the benefits of the product - even benefits that are more on the fun side than the practical side - is one of the reasons advertising exists, and this video masters one of the most creative ways you can implement that.

9. Unmasking a Killer

In the advertisement industry, the concept and the copy are the most important things and I'll never stop repeating this as a mantra.

The "Unmasking a Killer" video is a perfect example that demonstrates the effectiveness of that approach when creating a 2D or any other style of advertisement.

Of course, another reason to admire this video is the visuals. It's unbelievable how animation can transform our words into environments of the surreal while also creating a better understanding of concepts that are hard to understand.

10. Mailchimp: Guidance

My nomination for the best short and most effective 2D advertisement goes to this Mailchimp video.

When you create long videos, you should be prepared for the fact that on some channels you'll be also charged for that extra length. So, the shorter the cheaper. Another reason to create short ads is that as your video length stretches, the odds that you’ll bore viewers and they’ll stop watching goes up dramatically. It's up to you to choose between long and short, but if you can make your message succinct, 9 times out of 10 you’ll end up with better results.  

Final Words

As you’ve probably noticed, these 10 2D advertising videos were all distinct, and yet all were quite powerful. Maybe you’ve never thought that 2D animation could work for a commercial, or maybe you’re still used to the traditional idea of what commercials should be. Whatever the case, hopefully these examples have shown that 2D animation can accomplish anything live action or 3D can, and at a fraction of the budget. If you’d like to learn more about how a 2D animation ad can help market your business, contact us for a free consultation any time.

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