10 Most Effective Animated Sales Videos

We review 10 of the most engaging animated sales videos online. Each brings a unique perspective that can be used to inspire your next marketing campaign.

10 Most Effective Animated Sales Videos

The sales explainer video is an effective marketing solution utilized by the most successful companies worldwide. In this post, we will break down 10 of the best examples online, highlighting each unique approach to animated sales video production.

After watching, you’ll be able to pull different techniques used by the animators from successful promotions and apply them to your marketing campaigns.

1. Qstream

Our first sales promotion video comes from Qstream, an enterprise micro learning application that boosts employee performance. We choose to highlight this video because the animators do an incredible job at personifying the challenges of employee training.

Every high-quality explainer video needs to identify a problem. Qstream does so by outlining the difficulties of training through their animated characters. Viewers can’t help but empathize with the overwhelmed employee or the frustrated manager in the sales explainer video.

Animation can be utilized to evoke an emotional reaction that helps create a connection with viewers and acknowledge a common problem.

2. Ford Insure

Less is more in many cases. For example, Ford Insure’s simple use of animation with a basic color pallet produces highly effective visuals.

Ford Insure draws attention to the cars and the characters in its explainer sales video by keeping the background extremely basic. The viewer focuses on what matters as the VO explains how Ford is introducing a new, intuitive way to insure its vehicles.

Sales animations don’t require intricate design work and complex imagery. Instead, you can keep viewers engaged with simplified scenes and focus on the value proposition.

3. Interac Transit

Selling a product or service without a VO is a bold choice but is effective if you are creative.

Interac Transit demonstrates the ease of its payment service through real-life situations and drives home the value proposition using carefully placed messaging. Instead of including a voice-over to further explain how the service works, Interac Transit uses imagery of outdoor marketing.

The choice works largely because Interac Transit is a straightforward product. The Qstream and Ford Insure animated sales videos require more explanation and wouldn’t benefit from not including a voice-over.

4. Bankwest

Bankwest provides a highly engaging explainer sales video with stunning visuals and a world-class voice-over, but we chose it because it is an excellent example of how 30-second explainer videos can be so effective.

When producing short-form explainer videos, you need to grab the viewers’ attention within the first 5 seconds. Bankwest does so by incorporating a chain saw and abrupt change in the background music. Once the viewer is hooked, the sales proposition is delivered quickly and efficiently.

Useful Resource.
10 Great Examples of 30 Second Explainer Videos

5. VanMoof

VanMoof’s sales promotion video provides a fantastic example of character creation. The e-bike manufacturer demonstrates its ‘practically unstealable’ product through the perspective of 3 hilarious characters who all fail to use their experience to crack the anti-theft features.

Animation allows the brand to present its bikes and their unique features creatively. The characters are introduced in a documentary-style format, and each displays a security measure through their own failure.

The value proposition is subtle, and attention is centered around the colorful characters. However, viewers are more likely to reach the end of a well-done, creative video and leave wanting to know more about the product.

6. Med Express

Med Express is the shortest of our animated sales videos. At only 15 seconds long, the animators still manage to instill a strong branding message to viewers.

The animators play on Med Express’s genius use of the urgent care symbol. At the beginning of the video, viewers watch the universal symbol for medical services transform into handlebars. Then, after an accidental bike crash and a quick stitch up to the ‘G’ in ‘Urgent Caring,’ the symbol is reintroduced into the Med Express logo.

Brands in highly competitive industries want to be associated with symbols representing their services. Med Express’s sales animations successfully connect their brand and a common medical symbol through creative imagery.

7. Kroger

Comedy is an effective method used in animated sales video production. Kroger offers an incredible example of how to use comical animated characters. The 1980s aerobic theme, ridiculous character construction, and perfectly fitting background music make a hilarious 30-second sales video.

While the video doesn’t really explain how Kroger’s grocery pick-up service works, it doesn’t matter! The video is memorable, and the next time the viewer needs groceries, they can’t help but think of the video with the guy bicycle kicking out of his sunroof while parked in Kroger’s grocery pick-up parking space.

8. Our Future Los Angeles

The homelessness crisis is a massive issue in the US, but speaking about the most vulnerable members of the population can be difficult. Our Future Los Angeles demonstrates how to show empathy while discussing complex issues.

Using a soothing VO is one of the most effective ways to handle challenging topics. In addition to the calming voice-over, the video utilizes bold visuals that highlight the most critical aspects of the messaging. The combination makes Our Future Los Angeles come across as caring, informed, and passionate about offering housing solutions to LA.

9. Contra

Contra’s launch video shows the importance of understanding your market. The new freelance platform is targeting young professionals for hire. The trendy character design, upbeat modern background music, and engaging visuals appeal to a young demographic that enjoys the freedom of non-traditional work.

Animation allows you to design your explainer sales video to fit your target market. Make sure to choose characters, imagery, music, and a sales copy that your audience can relate to.

10. Capital One

Our last sales promotion video is from the financial corporation Capital One. The app explainer highlights a new product and platform that helps frequent travelers save money on flights, hotels, and rental cars.

We choose Capital One’s video because it incorporates the platform’s UI into the scenes. Viewers can see that the new service is with them everywhere they go on every device. The platform’s features are exhibited in real-time by focusing on the interface.

If you are promoting a new online service or application, we highly recommend including the interface. Viewers will have a better idea of the features and establish realistic expectations for the platform.

Final Words

Incorporating sales animations into your marketing campaigns is a highly effective tool with limitless potential. Hopefully, you’ve learned the versatility of animated sales video production through our examples and are ready to apply the methods we discussed to your promotions. If you need a little help getting started, feel free to reach out to one of our talented animation professionals.

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