Get Inspired by 10 of the Best Animated Marketing Videos

Check out these animated marketing videos to understand how they can help your business reach new customers. We’ll review 10 of the best examples online.

Get Inspired by 10 of the Best Animated Marketing Videos

Assessing the quality of digital marketing videos depends on one factor…the result.

However, expert creators understand several strategies you must consider when producing high-converting content.

Using the examples below, we'll show you some of the best marketing videos online to inspire you for your next project.


What Is Video Marketing
How Marketing Videos Work

  1. Creattie
  2. Logitech and RingCentral
  3. Every product carbon neutral by 2030 | Apple
  4. Android Rock, Paper, Scissors
  5. Many, Many Thank You’s | Airbnb
  6. GWK: Old MacDonald Has A Farm
  7. Hard Times For Super Thieves
  8. Porsche_Gestalt
  9. Geoff The Film
  10. Mailchimp // Marketing Platform

1. Creattie

Our first video is from the Creattie Lottie library. The video exemplifies the perfect execution of the minimalist explainer video.
Lottie is an exciting new animation format; however, there aren't many libraries available online. The animated marketing video clearly explains the platform in relatable terms for Creattie's target audience.

The video also shows the benefits of custom digital marketing videos by incorporating workflows directly from the library, Creattie's branding, and elements available on the online design platform.

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Original style
  • Excellent example of a well executed explainer video

2. Logitech and RingCentral

Next, we highlight the importance of audio and visuals in product videos for marketing.

Logitech and RingCentral's commercial combines cartoon-style animation with the actual products to effectively demonstrate how their video solutions can integrate with common business workflows. As a result, the products stand out in the marketing video, catching the viewer's attention.

The video also gives us an excellent example of sound design. While the voice-over is the dominant audio component, other sounds, like the device connectivity notifications, keep viewers engaged and set the video's pace.

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Combination of a cartoon style and realistic product images
  • The VO, background music, and additional noises flow seamlessly

3. Every product carbon neutral by 2030 | Apple

Apple's video content marketing is among the best in the world. While the tech giant has produced many projects with budgets out of reach for most businesses, the example above is as low a budget as it gets.

With a strong voice actor, text, and bold promise, Apple can deliver a simple yet highly effective marketing video. The example proves that you don't need an unfathomable budget to create converting content, especially when you focus on your messaging.

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Excellent use of text animation and symbols
  • Example of what’s capable with a limited budget

4. Android Rock, Paper, Scissors

YouTube video marketing has changed advertising, allowing brands to tell stories in unconventional ways. For example, Android chooses to go without a voice-over to demonstrate how the brand embraces individuality.

While telling a story can be difficult without words or text, an original song can capture the character's emotion. Android uses a soundtrack to keep viewers engaged and depict the story's progression. After watching, you're left with a connection to the characters that represent the brand's core values.

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Strong storytelling without voice over
  • Use of an original track
Useful Resource.
10 best animated commercial videos that will inspire you

5. Many, Many Thank You’s | Airbnb

Airbnb uses a heartwarming marketing video to thank guests and hosts while reinforcing the company's brand promise. Your video doesn't always have to explain the product or present the fundamental selling proposition directly; instead, Airbnb focuses on identifying the behaviors of quality guests and hosts to communicate the importance of hospitality.

While the animated marketing video doesn't walk viewers through the booking process, even users unfamiliar with Airbnb get a sense of how the app works. You can apply this logic to your marketing by showcasing an optimal user experience. As a result, you'll solidify the aspects of the business that current users enjoy while attracting new customers.

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Using visuals to deliver brand messaging reinforcing hospitality

6. GWK: Old MacDonald Has A Farm

Making a connection with potential customers is a crucial aspect of video content marketing. One way to reach your viewers is by using nostalgia.

GWK caters its video around the familiar nursery rhyme "Old McDonald" to hook viewers and create a bond between them and the product. The VO starts by reciting the song word for word, then keeps its cadence while explaining how the company is "feeding the people that feed the people.”

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Using a familiar song to create a bond with viewers

7. Hard Times For Super Thieves

At first glance, you can't help but admire the unique 3D visuals by VanMoof. The gorgeous animation captures your attention from the first frame. However, as the video progresses, you become fascinated with the original documentary-style format.

VanMoof shows us that quality is an essential component of digital marketing but your video can be elevated to the next level with script writing. If you can produce a one-minute product video that leaves viewers wanting to watch an entire TV series, you'll have no problem converting.

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Quick hook with gorgeous visuals
  • Original story concept

8. Porsche_Gestalt

Most car commercials are live-action, requiring actors, road closures, drone footage, and a hefty budget. Porsche avoids these expenditures by animating their iconic designs.

One of the ways Porsche utilizes the medium is by incorporating seamless, eye-catching transitions. The elements of each vividly animated shots are woven into the next. Viewers are perplexed as they watch the highway turn into the sunset in the rearview mirror of the Porsche Gestalt, proving that animation can add value to your marketing videos when done effectively.

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • Vivid animation production
  • Eye catching transitions

9. Geoff The Film

The freedom of YouTube Marketing videos for business has allowed creators to go beyond the 5, 15, 30, and 60-second formats. Heinz takes advantage of new platforms by producing a heartfelt story exceeding 3 minutes.

However, the ability to make long-form marketing videos doesn't necessarily mean you should. Keeping viewers engaged is challenging, but you can entertain rather than just sell if you write a relatable story and back it with high-end production.

Ways this video can inspire you:

  • How to keep viewers engaged beyond 60-seconds
  • HIgh-end production

10. Mailchimp // Marketing Platform

In contrast to Heinz's premium short film, MailChimp provides an excellent example of a minimalistic 30-second animated marketing video. The video uses a calm but clear VO to communicate the advertising platform's services beyond sending emails, with the brand's unapologetic bright yellow as the backdrop.

Choosing the perfect length for your video is dependent on many factors. But the script must be memorable if you want to deliver high-converting content. MailChimp gets away with bare minimum visuals (although they are still aesthetically appealing and on-brand) primarily because the concept of the video is so strong – the company offers so many different advantages for clients that its own name no longer adequately describes the services it provides.

Ways this video can inspire you:

What Is Video Marketing

Video marketing is utilizing the medium to promote a product, service, or brand. It involves producing high-quality, engaging videos designed to capture your target audience's attention and convey your marketing message effectively.

How Marketing Videos Work

Marketing videos use a combination of visual and auditory content to communicate a message to the viewer. They are designed to be engaging and entertaining while providing information about a product or service.
The key to successful marketing videos is to create content that resonates with your target audience. This means understanding their needs, interests, and pain points and making videos that speak to those aspects.
Keep reading for specific examples of how you can emulate your business's most successful marketing videos.

Final Words

Animated marketing videos have become a powerful tool for businesses looking to engage with their target audience and drive sales. By leveraging the creative potential of animation, you can showcase your products and services in a visually compelling way while also communicating key messages and building brand awareness.

If you need help getting started, contact us for a free consultation from one of our digital video content experts.

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