Landing Page Video Production

The First Thing a Visitor to Your Site Should Experience Should Be the Most Engaging

What Purpose Does A Landing Page Video Serve?

People’s attention spans are shorter than ever. You’ve got less than 10 seconds to hook a website visitor in. Text is dry and boring. Pictures work a bit better. But studies show again and again that video works best. It’s even favored for SEO, giving you a head start to catch eyes and increase conversion to sales. When someone visits your site and they engage with your landing page video, the chances that they’ll stick around are much higher.

What Makes A Landing Page Video So Effective?

Here are a few facts about using video in your online marketing strategy:
  • 90% of customers report that videos influence them to buy
  • 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it
  • Embedding videos in landing pages can increase conversation rates by 80%

Examples Of Landing Page Videos

How Do I Use Video On My Landing Page?

 A landing page video should be the first thing a visitor experiences when they visit your site’s homepage. It should sum up your company and include a call to action that the viewer follows through and takes action with.  

Where Should My Landing Page Video Be?

Front and Center! The goal is to capture your target audience’s attention and catch it quick. If visitors need to read or scroll to get to the video, you’ve already lost them. This is why we recommend the video be at the top of your landing page. There should also be a clickable link or next step the visitor can follow through with.
video on landing page

7 Things You Should Consider For Your Landing Page Video

  • Make sure that the homepage video thumbnail is compelling
  • Avoid using autoplay
  • Keep the video short and deliver the key message in the first 10 seconds
  • Ask for action (make sure there’s a clear CTA)
  • Do not focus too much on selling – the video is on the higher end of the sales funnel
  • Make sure that the quality of the video is high. Remember, this will be one of the first experiences a potential customer may have with your company
  • Design around the video. That is, don’t design the rest of your landing page with distractions. Keep visitor focus on the video and let the video provide as much of message as possible.

What Now?

If you’re ready to take the next step in marketing your company online and create a landing page video, we can help.

Yans Media is an animated video company that creates homepage videos for companies big and small, from giant corporations like Deloitte and DriveTime, to small businesses wanting to increase their site traffic and conversion.

Contact us to see how we can help meet your online marketing goals.  

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