20 Great Examples of Property and Real Estate Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos are one of the most valuable pieces of marketing available for business, including property and real estate. Here are 20 successful videos.

20 Great Examples of Property and Real Estate Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos have been used to great success by Silicon Valley, the tech industry, and big corporations for years. But they work incredibly well for other industries as well. If you’re in property, construction, or real estate, an explainer video could be exactly what you need to market your company in the digital age.

In this article, we take a look at 20 successful property and real estate explainer videos and why they work so well. Read on to pull inspiration for your own ideas.

1. Odagled

An explainer video is a type of content that helps businesses - including those from the real estate market - to build long-term loyalty with their customers. If your goal is bigger than enticing one-time purchasers to your market, then you should definitely think about using an explainer video.

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer report, 81% of consumers insist that confidence in the brand influences their buying decision. Watching the Odagled piece, we see how video can totally change the way others understand and see our business. And the better the production quality, the more professional and trustworthy you’ll look in the eyes of the viewer.


2. Meet Eqpt

This real estate marketing video works well, as it has simplified its ideas and the solutions in a way that everyone can understand. They selected a lovely style and a calm pace for the video, allowing the viewer to focus their attention on what's important.


3. Walliance

Bright colors can work wonders. It’s a simple, yet effective marketing trick. This video makes it all but impossible to ignore or skip due to its vibrancy.

Everyone knows that playing with right color palette can play a big role in evoking a reaction. In this video, colors create a powerful drive for viewers to stick around all the way to the end. Another good creative inspiration you can pull from this video is its manipulation of shapes that naturally follow the narration and create a deeper connection to the explanation.

4. Discover a Better Place to Call Home

Visual storytelling is a universal language and, if crafted well, can spread your message to anyone.

'’Discover a Better Place to Call Home'' is one of my favorite real estate animations, and draws a beautiful canvas of possibilities that the EYA team offers. A valuable lesson we can learn from this real estate animated video is that the more detailed and broader you are in your descriptions, the better your chances to be clear to your audience and connect with them emotionally.

Adding beautiful visuals will always emphasize your story and amplify your message.


5. Ility

Processing detailed information and transforming it into a more structured and simple explanation is what explainer videos are designed for. The Ility video has been picked for this very reason: to show how organizing and simplifying ideas is so crucial, especially for businesses that provide complex solutions for their clients.

6. Spike Construction

Saving time can often be the most important aspect of your business operation. One of the ways you can ultimately save time is paid ads. Time is money, and if you can get your idea to a wide audience quickly, you can both raise your effectiveness and save your resources in the long run.

The same is true with video length. This content is only 30 seconds, but that makes it no less effective than a longer piece of content. A short explainer video can work perfectly on a website homepage or on social media channels - and also be great to run as an ad.

This video is unique in the way that it could be viewed both as a real estate ad animation or as an explainer video. If you're looking for ways to create versatile content that works across different channels, then this video is worth your attention.

Useful Resource
Everything You Should Know About 30-Second Explainer Videos

7. About Scioto Properties

What, if not a story, is the best format to create an animated explainer video for real estate services? It's been proven that whenever we hear a story, our brain waves start to naturally synch with those of the storyteller. And if we look deeper into all the research around storytelling, we'll understand why many business giants use this format to achieve their goals. This story is a beautiful example of how we can implement storytelling to create an endearing and emphatic real estate explainer video.

8. Property Works

This real estate animated video catches your attention with its unique color and design. In real estate, like in any other type of business, you shouldn’t worry about straying from being serious and conservative with your design. On the contrary, it's usually better to stand out and create memorable content for your audience.

In this video, finding a new property is fun, rather than a hard and overwhelming job. Breaking the norms almost always works, as it breaks all the negative expectations that many people mistakenly associate with your business niche.

9. Private Property at Scale

While short videos can work great, whoever said that explainers shouldn't be long is also mistaken - as long as it’s done right. If you can find a way to be interesting for your audience, then time isn’t a problem.

For those who are looking to buy a new property, this video will be rather compelling, as it combines a real-life story with detailed information about the specific services they offer. Although it's rather a long video, I'm sure any relevant viewer will enjoy it. What's most important is that it creates a strong call to action to use their online property portal.

Useful Resource
What’s The Ideal Length For An Explainer Video?

10. West Green - Auckland

This vertical video was designed specifically for social media channels. Statistics show that more than 50% of the world's total population uses social media. And creating an explainer video specifically for social media can be a very smart move.

Here we see how animation in the hands of different artists can turn into unlimited shapes and structures and create an incredibly convincing message for online communities.

Keep Learning
Vertical Video Statistics Every Marketer Must Know

11. Edge

Our first property explainer video is from the climate-conscious real estate development company Edge. We've picked this example to demonstrate the power of text overlays in marketing videos.

Edge finds creative ways of displaying text to annunciate its unique selling proposition. Nearly the entire script is presented in text, but when the producers want to drive home key talking points, they use various fonts, italics, bold letters, animated backgrounds, and interesting text presentations.

The final call to action is presented as an iMessage reading "Are you in?" with an embedded link to the net-zero page on Edge's website. Text overlays are an effective way to keep your audience from scrolling on and help focus attention on the important aspects of your explainer video.

12. Willow Prop Sharing

We'll cover various types of animation as we review some of the best real estate explainer videos online. The example above from Willow demonstrates how to utilize 3D modeling effectively.

Willow's explainer creates a fun, interactive viewing experience while demonstrating how the app expands access to property investments. 3D modeling is a great way to incorporate exciting shapes, bright colors, and cool-looking characters into an explainer video.

While you want to effectively explain your product or service in your marketing, the presentation of the video is equally important. Choosing the right type of animation to compliment your brand is essential in lowering your bounce rate.

13. Trulet

Trulet is a property management application powered by an Ai assistant and backed by a real person for emergencies. A maintenance/management application isn't the most exciting subject manner, but Turlet finds a way to keep viewers engaged with the use of colorful shapes.

Some of the best real estate explainer video examples bring life to boring topics. Trulet accomplishes this with 3 brightly colored circles that guide the viewer through an explanation of the product. In addition, the shapes represent how Trulet's Ai is there to help with repetitive tasks and respond to tenant requests.

Thinking of creative ways to keep users engaged is challenging. Animation is an excellent way to apply a concept to your videos that adds value and increases engagement.


14. First Home by Long and Foster

Collage animation is a current trend in marketing and used in Long and Foster's animated property video above. The multimedia approach to production combines motion graphics, live action, and still images for a captivating viewing experience.

Long and Foster lean into the abnormality of collage art by making the characters and settings look deformed. The style keeps the video interesting while the company's First Home product is thoroughly explained.

Applying different forms of media helps your videos stand out from competitors and leaves a lasting impression on your target audience.

15. Agent Go

Agent Go uses character development to communicate a common problem among realtors. The relatable central character in the real estate animation is seen struggling with reaching new potential home buyers, possibly the biggest challenge in the life of an agent.

Viewers sympathize with the problem and can't help but bond with the animated personality. Once Agent Go explains how its app simplifies real estate advertising, the viewer is hooked!

When you successfully create a character viewers can connect with in your videos, they are much more likely to convert into users.

16. Sector SPDRs

The following example uses animation to add value to a dominantly live-action explainer video. Sector SPDRs tastefully add real estate motion graphics to more effectively describe its USP.

Implementing animation doesn't just make an interesting-looking explainer video but adds value, communicates vital points, and keeps users engaged. Sector SPDRs positions itself as a knowledgeable investment firm, so bringing the information inside the books to life plays directly into how the company wants to be perceived.

You can use animation to push the limitations of live action; just be sure it flows with the overall video concept and imagery. Placing animation in live-action scenes can look strange and distracting when done without taste.

17. Corcoran

Corcoran does an excellent job of understanding its target market and catering the visuals around viewers most likely to convert. The firm sells property around the globe, but in the real estate property video above, the focus is on New York City.

An upscale, minimalistic animation aesthetic complimented by high-end NYC commodities appeals to Corcoran's wealthy clientele. In addition, the producers walk viewers through a property inquiry targeting the Upper West Side to demonstrate the filtered results features of Corcoran's new website.

Thoroughly researching your target market is the first step in curating a video with visuals that will catch their eye and make it seem like you are speaking to them directly.


18. Dotin

Explainers are a highly effective way to introduce innovative products or services. We choose the real estate agent cartoon from Dotin because it uses animation to communicate how its app is revolutionizing property inspections.

Dotin uses ultra-high-tech visuals to show viewers why traditional inspection tools fall short and how its new app uses 2D and 3D rendering to build a visual representation of a property. A combination of various rooms and UI overlays from the app perfectly demonstrates why Dotin is a valuable tool for property inspections.

Animation empowers brands to go beyond the limitation of live action and successfully communicate innovative products and services.

19. Curbio

Incorporating devices into a real estate explainer video is an effective strategy that will resonate with your target market. Agents spend most of their time on the go bouncing from open houses to potential listings to showings.

Communicating that your service is mobile-friendly tells relators that it's available as an app, it's easy to use, and they can seamlessly implement it into their day-to-day schedule.

Curbio shows an agent using the service in real-time, combining visuals from the property, the UI, conversations with a representative, and project blueprints. You'll increase conversions exponentially if you can successfully show viewers how your application can add value to their lives.


20. High Mont

The best real estate videos capture the mood of the product. Our next example from property development in India does so effortlessly with a combination of soothing audio and visuals.

High Mont is in an upscale, environmentally conscious township of Hinjewadi in the suburbs of Pune, India's "most livable city." The animated real estate video uses the sound of birds chirping, relaxing guitar background music, and a simple text overlay to advertise the new high-rise property development.

Residents of Hinjewadi are looking for an efficient, eco-friendly place to live with amenities to support an active lifestyle. The animators capture the feeling of High Mont by focusing on the imagery rather than a voice-over.

Final Words -

Animated explainer videos aren’t just for tech companies. As you’ve seen in this article, they work incredibly well for the real estate market, especially when built with beautiful designs and compelling stories. If you’re interested in creating one for your business, our expert strategists are always happy to give you a free consultation.

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