Top 15 Product Advertisements that Work

When making a product video, there are formulas that work. We break down the top 10 examples of product advertisements and explain why they work so well.

Top 15 Product Advertisements that Work

Video ads are one of the best ways to promote a product. And with the rapid expansion of mobile data, they can be played and watched everywhere.

There are many different ways to create a product advertisement that works.

This article breaks down 10 of the most successful.

1. Pringles

Did you know that there are 318,000 Pringles flavor stack combinations?

Impressive, huh?

But after watching this video I asked myself, “Why pick this concept for a Super Bowl product commercial?” After pondering it for a bit, I believe the secret lies in numbers.

With the Super Bowl, the whole country is in the mindset of numbers – numbers are on the board, jerseys, game stats, etc.

Even the game itself is marked with a number (last year’s was LIV, or 54). All of a sudden another number jumps in — 318,000. It’s a big number, an impressive number, a number that beats all those other numbers in a memorable way.

Very smart approach.

2. Boom Fire

This video has been created by us – Yans Media. Immodest, I know, but the results of this ad have been fantastic and we’d love to share why.
Boom Fire is an Armenian energy drink.

Yes, another energy drink.

And we knew that the target audience would say the same thing. And that the market was so competitive – there are a lot of big players like RedBull with flawless marketing and brand power.

But what we noticed was the main players were targeting extreme sports, which aren’t so popular in Armenia.

So we decided to go with another direction – target the young audience who love to party (fast life, youthful exuberance, etc.) and who had fire in them. We created a product advertisement with an energetic atmosphere depicting nonstop parties ignited by Boom Fire. So the next time they want to light the fire they remember this.

The result?

At this moment, Boom Fire is the most popular energy drink in Armenia.


3. Karma Cola

Want to know where real Cola comes from? This is a strong ad, especially when you’re a fan of Cola but don’t drink it because you’re trying to live healthfully.
This is one of those product ads that sells by not trying to sell you anything.

And it targets people who specifically love Cola, not just the ones who love all soft drinks. It takes the viewers to another world and tells them Cola can also be healthy (or, at least, healthier).

Cool illustrations with an African detail create an exotic atmosphere of wild and untouched places.


4. Tetley

Another great example of product advertisement. Yes, you could say a talking cat and dog is an old trick and wouldn’t surprise anyone nowadays. But this ad isn’t about talking animals.

Everyone knows that tea is more than a drink in the UK. And one of the great things about tea is that it helps you relax while talking with your teatime companion.

It’s an apt message, especially now when we all live online and have less opportunity for real life socializing.

So the message is clear – this tea gets even cats and dogs talking.

5. Alexa

There has been so much said about this spot that I doubt I’m adding anything new. Really cool piece, and not just because you watch it with a smile on your face. There’s a subliminal trigger message that makes you think, “If I don’t start using Alexa I’m gonna be stuck in the past like these ancient folks.”

The video persuades you to believe that Alexa is an essential technology that you won’t be able to live without, just like your mobile phone.

Another outstanding element is the production level – it’s absolutely amazing. So many locations and scenes, all crafted perfectly and edited in one great ad.

6. Seicha

Seicha Matcha is an original tea with character that offers a unique taste experience for everyone who is looking for a special treat.

This product ad has been created by Krutart, a wonderful animation studio from Prague. I don’t know how long they spent creating this great piece, but I love every second of this video.

Their Matcha tea comes from Japan from an old family farm, depicted with an origin story in an original and fun way.

The video is short, well designed, and delivers a clear massage.

Useful Recourse
30 Second Explainer Video – Pros & Cons

7. Patagonia

As a video marketer, I watch videos (especially animated videos) all the time. I look for inspiration and to keep up with industry trends. And sometimes I become a customer of the products of the videos I watch! Time and time again, that happens due to a product with a great video.

This product advertisement is one of those examples.

Every detail in this video is thought out. The colors, the style, the character, the music; even the animals. If you watch the video carefully you’ll notice that most of them are fluffy which people associate with cozy and comfortable feelings.


8. AXE

There’s a lot going on in this product ad. And I mean, a LOT. We’ve got a celebrity endorser, a full narrative story, beautiful animation, detailed sound design, and more. All in a 30 second ad. This is a great example of a product advertisement that knows its audience and knows how to reach them.

If you don’t know who Nick Eh 30 is, you’re not the demographic AXE is aiming for. But the guy is a professional video game streamer with over 5 million subscribers on YouTube and 2 million followers on Instagram. And the vast majority of those fans are young adult males, the perfect customers for men’s body spray.

This is a great piece of content to show the power of knowing your target audience.


There is a rule in advertising that says don’t show what you’re saying.

Or, “no see-say” for short.

Generally speaking, you don’t create something engaging and memorable by making simple ads for stupid people. Instead, for example, you want to create little puzzles with visuals. Then when viewers solve them, they receive a positive impulse and will remember your product. Another great trick is to create visuals that people will associate with message and persuade them to be a part of it.

This ad is the great example of both of these techniques.

The visuals say “hey these shoes are light and comfortable.” And the particles floating by give you the urge to want to touch them and squeeze them and feel like you won’t get any satisfaction until you do.

This Nike ad gets results without using a word. Top-notch marketing.

10. American Express

Back in the old days we had these stereotypical luxury snapshots giving us a taste of the glamorous life like how we would see in movies.

But social media and Instagram changed all that. And this product video example is basically a continuation of your SM feed.

A kind of a promise that you also can “have the good life with our product.”

The interesting part is that they didn’t create it with live footage because today you can pay 70 dollars and download whatever you want from stock footage websites. The marketers from American Express understand that, instead creating a unique and stylized video that looks astonishing.


11. Heinz: The moment you find Heinz

A great product ad should resonate with as many people as possible, and this Heinz ad is a perfect example.

It cleverly taps into a common experience: finding something you want more while shopping and replacing an item in your trolley, often without returning the original item to its proper place.

This scenario isn't unique to Heinz, but they were the first to cleverly use it in their “The moment you find Heinz”advertising.

By playing on a situation that's familiar to everyone, Heinz has now linked this everyday occurrence with their brand. The next time you find yourself swapping items in your shopping cart, Heinz will likely come to mind. That's marketing genius!

12. Ikea: Proudly Second Best

IKEA is a brand renowned for striking a chord with its audience, often appealing to both emotion and practicality in a single message or ad.

A prime example of this is their 'Proudly Second Best' series of product ads. This campaign is not only creative but also likely to boost their sales significantly. IKEA skillfully places their product within a relatable, everyday situation – a tender parenting moment with a baby. They don't demonize the problem; instead, they subtly suggest how their product can be helpful.

The genius of these ads lies in their relatability. Anyone watching them will likely remember IKEA and its affordable prices the next time they find themselves in a similar situation. It's a clever way to ensure that IKEA stays top of mind for practical, everyday solutions.

13. Buoyant Bob- The Man Who Got So High

Buoyant Bob made a splash in Missouri's first recreational cannabis sales with a unique musical campaign.

Celebrating legalization, Bob released 'The Man Who Got So High,' complete with a whimsical music video. The launch party in St. Louis, timed with the opening week of sales, showcased the video and exclusive merchandise. This creative approach was more than just a celebration; it significantly boosted Buoyant Bob's brand presence.

The campaign's success was evident, driving 48-hour sellouts of Bob flower across the state and firmly establishing Buoyant Bob as a fun and influential name in the cannabis market.

14. Renault PLUG INN

In 2022, France's electric car infrastructure lagged, with 1 million electric cars but only 80,000 charging stations, leading to range anxiety.

Renault's solution was the Renault Plug Inn app, akin to Airbnb for charging spots, linking drivers with home charger owners. The key to its rapid success was a compelling product ad video that effectively communicated this innovative concept.

Within two weeks of launch, Plug Inn attracted 16,000 users, achieved 107 million impressions, and generated over 500,000€ in earned media. Targeting 480,000 charging spots across France, the ad played a crucial role in easing electric driving constraints.

Renault’s vision extends to expanding this model throughout Europe by 2025, revolutionizing electric mobility, with the campaign video being pivotal in this transformation.

15. Laird Superfood - Peruvian Coffee

Coffee reigns as America's favorite drink, but in a fiercely competitive market, standing out is key.

Laird Superfood took a unique approach with their product ad for Peruvian Dark Coffee. Eschewing the common emotional appeal, they instead focused on an animated video that highlights the coffee's origins, processing methods, and organic qualities.

This fresh angle not only differentiated them from other brands but also led to impressive results. Laird Superfood's Peruvian Dark Coffee has become one of the highest-rated coffees on Amazon and ranks in the top 100 – a remarkable achievement for a smaller brand in a saturated market.


Final Words

There are many paths to success when it comes to creating a video ad. There are also thousands of ways to fail. Knowing the different combinations of strategies and methods can help your chances of success tremendously. We’ve been pros at helping businesses creating winning product videos for over 10 years and are always happy to provide a free consultation. Let us know how we can help you with your product video!

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