7 Key elements to perfect your product video creation

Master essential elements for effective product video creation; captivate and convert your audience.

7 Key elements to perfect your product video creation

Planning to create your own product video? That's great!

Here's the good news and the bad news.

The bad news first: even with the best video out there, it can only help make that crucial first sale. After that, your product needs to speak for itself.

Now for the good news: you're in exactly the right place.

By the time you finish this article, you'll know exactly where to start, what steps to take, and, just as importantly, what pitfalls to avoid when creating a product video.

What Is A Product Video?

A product video is an interactive demonstration of a product's benefits. An effective product video clearly identifies a problem and demonstrates how the product can solve the problem.

7 Must-have components of an impactful product video

Whether you are producing yourself or hiring an agency to create your product videos, you must ensure you include these essential characteristics into your messaging.

1. Effective product demonstration

The most important part of a product video is the product. This shouldn't come as a surprise, but you would be surprised at how many brands fail to demonstrate their product or service qualities.

While the other aspects of the video are important, you want to make sure the product is the central focus point in the video.

2. Showcase Branding and Personality

Don't leave out your company branding. Use your logo and color palette to create brand recognition. You also want to showcase the company's personality.

A great example of a company that relies heavily on product videos is Tesla.

The EV company has yet to purchase traditional ad space. Instead, Tesla product videos on YouTube showcase the car's cool features while keeping the subtle branding in the frame.

The videos give off a tech vibe rather than a car commercial. Tesla caters to technologically savvy consumers and has positioned itself as a software company that manufacturers automobiles.

3. Identify a problem

Effective product videos stand out from merely good ones by pinpointing a specific problem and forging a genuine connection with the consumer.

It's important to specify the problem rather than present it as a broad, global issue.

Remember, you're speaking to a specific group of people who should feel that you truly understand their challenges and are passionate about solving them.

4. Provide a solution

Your video should demonstrate how the product solves the problem.

It's crucial to understand that people are looking for solutions to their problems, whether it's enhancing status, feeling exceptional, or finding warm clothing.

Your video should clearly communicate that your product is the solution they need to alleviate their pain points.

Telsa does this by showcasing its autonomous driving features that can be used to make commutes to work more enjoyable.

5. Include a Unique Sales Proposition

A Unique Sales Proposition (USP) is one of the key factors that pique people's interest.

If your product doesn't have a natural USP, it's worthwhile to craft one or position yourself as a pioneer in your field.

Take Volvo, for example; they may not always be the safest car each year, but they are synonymous with safety in the minds of consumers. Therefore, if you're facing competition, including a compelling USP can make your product more appealing and set you apart.

6. Highlight benefits over features

Focus on benefits, not just features. This is perhaps one of the most common mistakes businesses make. They often highlight every small detail of what their product does. Avoid doing this unless your product possesses an extremely unique feature. Instead, concentrate on the final results that people will experience from using your product.

7. End with a Call to Action

If your product video is intended for the top of the funnel, it must include a call to action (CTA).

The aim is to guide the consumer to the next stage of your marketing funnel.

Depending on your video's objective, the ideal CTA might direct viewers to your company website, highlight a discount code, or indicate where the product is available in retail.

You might think it's obvious that interested customers will find a way to contact you if they like your product.

However, this isn’t always the case.

Our brains prefer not to exert extra effort; we naturally gravitate towards easy solutions. That's why a clear and straightforward guide, like an effective call to action, is so crucial – it's more likely to be followed because it simplifies the decision-making process for the consumer.

Useful Resource.
How to Use a Call to Action in a Marketing Video

How long should a product video be?

Your video's length is determined by where your video will live.

If the video is going to be on social media, you want a short video under 30 seconds that gets them off the app and onto your landing page.

ideal video length

Website videos can be longer.

They are already on your website, and you can afford to provide additional value in the video.

However, you still want to keep videos relatively short; we recommend never exceeding 90 seconds. The goal of a product video on your website should be to invite the viewer to the next stage of your sales funnel.

For more information on determining the ideal length of a product video, check out our post here.

What is the best style for product video?

Determining the style of video is dependent on what type of product or service you are providing. We've outlined the 3 significant categories below:

Physical product – Live-action

We always recommend brands that produce physical products to choose a live-action video.

If you don't have access to a large budget, you can make the video yourself; live-action can be done at a fraction of the cost with some basic video editing software.

Here is an excellent example of a blender company that produces live-action videos for a minimal video and gets massive exposure on YouTube.

2D Motion Graphics

Digital products typically choose 2D animations to demonstrate the benefits of the software. Animation allows the video producer to display the user interface and benefit potential customers' lives.

Complex Mechanisms – 3D

If your product features technical aspects like a watch or engine, we recommend utilizing 3D in your video. A 360° view showcases how the mechanics set the product apart from the competition.

Useful Resource
Animation Vs. Live Action: Which is Better for Your Business Video?

How much does it cost to create a product video?

Product video cost is also dependent on the type of product or service you are advertising and the style of video you choose.


Live-action videos filmed in-house can be cost-effective. You can film and edit a short product video for $1500 or less if you have access to decent equipment and software. However, hiring a professional production company can be extremely expensive. You can expect to pay $50,000 or more if you decide to bring in an agency.

Animated Videos

Animated videos are the most cost-effective option, coming in at $4000-$8000. In addition, 2D animation allows for complete customization to ensure you incorporate branding and an aesthetic reflective of the company.

3D animation

Producing 3D videos takes time and skill. You can expect to pay at least $35,000 for a well-done, high-quality 3D product video.

Useful Recourse
Explainer Video Cost – A Price Guide For Any Budget

Final Words

Video content is by far the best way to communicate with your existing and potential customers. A product video allows you to effectively create urgency, provide a solution, and deliver a call to action. If you are interested in adding product videos to your content marketing strategy but don't know where to start, book a free consultation with our video strategist.

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