How To Create A 30-Second commercial

Steps For Creating a 30-Second Commercial: 1. Begin by outlining your concept and writing your script. 2. Select the appropriate video style for your ad. 3. Ensure that your video is tailored to fit the platform where it will be displayed. 4. Implement effective distribution strategies to reach your target audience.

How To Create A 30-Second commercial

Wondering if a 30-second spot is the perfect fit for your ad?

By the end of this article, you'll have all the info you need to decide with confidence.

But if you're already set on it, hold up a second!

We've got some insights that might just make you pause and reconsider.

Heads up: If you're dreaming of creating a Super Bowl-style commercial, this might not be the article for you. But for everyone else, let's dive into making the best choice for your project.

Why 30-sec

Picking up on the Super Bowl commercial vibe, it's interesting to note that the big game might be a huge reason why 30-second ads are all the rage.

But let's look a bit deeper, because there's more to the story than just that:

  • Attention-Grabbing: In a world filled with ads, the shorter ones tend to catch our eyes more.
  • Focus: You've only got a little bit of time, so you get straight to the point with what you're all about or what you're offering.
  • Cost-Effective: Shorter ads usually cost less, which is great if you're not looking to spend a ton or you want to run ads more often.
  • Versatile: These ads can fit almost anywhere, from your TV screen to your Instagram feed.

But remember, a video is just one tool in the toolbox. It’s all about choosing the right tool for the job and knowing how to use it. Before we dive into making one, let’s make sure it’s the right pick for what you need.

And don’t worry, I’ll keep this brief.

Is a 30-Second Spot the Right Fit for You?

When it comes to commercials—whether they're explainer videos, quick ads, brand stories, or any kind of business video—the main aim is pretty clear: boost business, either right now or in the long run.

So, the big question to mull over is: what's the main mission of my video?

Given the tight squeeze on time, 30-second videos aren't the best for spinning a yarn or diving deep into product details.

Where 30-Second Videos Shine:

  • Social Media Ads: Perfect for catching attention on the scroll.
  • YouTube Ads: Get your point across before the "Skip" button appears.
  • Announcements: Ideal for updates to folks who already love what you do.
  • TV Commercials: Great for a quick hello to a wide audience.
  • Familiar Brands: When you're already a household name, a quick ad does the trick.

Not the Best Match for 30-Second Formats:

  • Startup Stories: Need more time to share your journey.
  • SaaS Explainers: Complex ideas need room to breathe.
  • Brand Narratives: Building your identity? Take your time.
  • Product Demos: Showing off the nitty-gritty takes more than a quick clip.
  • Testimonials or Case Studies: Deep dives into experiences and results can't be rushed.

With that in mind, let's jump into strategic planning and mapping out the process.

5 Easy Steps to make a 30-second commercial

Before we dive in, a heads-up for all the marketers and entrepreneurs out there: this guide is your roadmap for strategic planning.

1. Plan Your Concept & Craft Your Script

Okay, you've got 30 seconds to do three major things:

  • Grab Attention: You need to stand out amidst social media scrolling or someone's binge-watching session. Remember, you're the surprise guest in their world.
  • Spark Interest: Focus on a single problem, promise, and benefit. Don't overload with info. Think about it: even after a 2-hour movie, you usually remember just one or two key points.
  • Drive Action: Be memorable enough that they'll act or think of you when the moment's right.

If "distract" sounds a bit harsh, think of it as "grabbing attention". You're entering the scene unannounced, so how do you make them care without being a nuisance?

And to pique their interest, remember:

  • Simplicity is Key: Your message needs to be easy to get with zero brain effort.
  • Talk to Someone Specific: Picture your ideal customer and speak directly to them.
  • Clear Next Steps: Tell them exactly what to do after watching your video.

2. Production and post-productionion

The whole production process with all its phasez stricly depends on the style of your video.

However, there are stages that you need to go trough right to have the commercial you need.

  1. Sketching the storyboard.

Sketch your story frame by frame with all nuance, even backgounds and expression of the artists. Better you have this planning the less costly will be your production.

  1. Record the voice over

For finding the right VO talent I would suggest to organize a voice audition which you can do on platfrom.

Don't just hire an artis after listening their demo because they can sound great on other video but it might not work for you.

Also, make sure you agree on all commercial rights for particular platforms you are going to use your video and usage duration.

  1. Avoid revisions

Before moving to the next stage in the production, make sure that you are 100% happy to avoid unwanted revisions, budget and timeline changes.

  1. Plan the length right

Yes, that's a problem sometimes. For example App store has its restrictions. So make sure you are aligned with the restrictions on a platform your video will be live on.

3. Pick Your Video Style

Hold up! Don't skip this part.

Sure, picking a style that matches your brand, resonates with your audience, and stands out might seem like a no-brainer.

But, there's more to the story.

Budget Check: Can you afford the cool style you've got in mind?

Time Crunch: Imagine chatting with your boss, getting the green light, and then...oops! The style you picked can't be done in time. Awkward.

Future-Proofing: Here's a sneaky trap - what if you update your product or offer and need to tweak your video? Is that doable with the style you chose

Size Matters: Thinking about different dimensions for your video? That's another thing to think about.

These are just a few things to consider, and we can't dive into all of them here.

But as a starting point, I'd suggest giving this article a read. It's a great way to get your head around the choices and what might work best for you.

4. Make Sure Your Video Fits Where It's Going

Check that your video's size is a good match for where it's going to be shown. For example, the NASDAQ tower or specific expo screens might need unusual sizes. But don't sweat it too much! For most places, these three sizes will have you covered:

  • 1920x1080 (Horizontal): Think of this like your TV's wide screen.
  • 1080x1080 (Square): This is a perfect square, kind of like what you'd use for a board game.
  • 1080x1920 (Vertical): This one's tall, just like your phone screen when you're holding it upright.

By sticking to these sizes, you'll be in good shape for most social media platforms and other spots you're planning to show off your video.

5. Get Smart with Distribution

To really hit the mark, you've got to pick where to show your video carefully. It's all about finding the perfect spot where your audience hangs out or where the timing just makes sense.

Let's break it down:

Imagine you're promoting your brand in a mall. The smart move? Use the mall's screens and point folks directly to your shop.


Because they're already there, wallet in hand, hunting for the next cool find.

When it comes to social media, the name of the game is testing. Got a 30-second ad? Focus on nailing the message, then play around with different calls to action and opening hooks.

It's all about finding what clicks with your audience. This approach can boost your conversion rates and save you a heap of cash.


How Much Does a 30-Second Commercial Video Cost?

Making a professional commercial video can range from $5,000 to a whopping $500,000. It all boils down to how fancy you want to get and what it costs to bring your vision to life.

But if you've got a brilliant idea, you could even shoot a video with your iPhone. It's all about the creativity!

Is a 30-Second Video Cheaper Than a One-Minute Video?

Yes, if we're just talking about making the video in the same style, a 30-second one usually costs less. But it's not as simple as half the time, half the price.

The truth is, the cost difference between a 30-second and a one-minute video might not be huge. The budgets can be pretty similar. Want to learn more? There's an article that dives deep into the costs and reasons.

How Long Does It Take to Make a 30-Second Video?

Typically, the production process could take anywhere from one week to 10 weeks. It really depends on how fancy or detailed you want your video to be.

How Many Words Should Be in a 30-Second Commercial Video Script?

For a 30-second commercial, you're looking at about 65 to 75 words. That breaks down to roughly 2.2 to 2.5 words per second. It's all about finding that sweet spot to get your message across clearly and engagingly.

Final words

There you have it! Armed with these insights, you're well on your way to creating a 30-second commercial that can truly make an impact. Remember, crafting a message that resonates and choosing the right platform for your video are key steps to success.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed on where to begin?

No worries!

We're here to help guide you through the maze. Book a complimentary call with one of our video strategists today, and let's start laying the groundwork for your video project together. Here's to creating something amazing!

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