10 Awesome Examples Of Finance Explainer Videos You Need To See

If you’ve got a finance or fintech business, a finance explainer video is a great way to market it. Here are 10 successful examples to get inspiration from.

10 Awesome Examples Of Finance Explainer Videos You Need To See

There’s nothing new about the finance industry. Money, as they say, makes the world go ‘round. What is new, however, is the ability to market financial businesses digitally with explainer videos. Of course, not all explainer videos are created equal. Here, we break down 10 successful examples with detailed explanations of what makes them work.

1. Stacks CIty

The goal of an explainer video is to help a potential audience learn about the product and help the business achieve a positive ROI. For finance companies, being clear about their offerings is the most important requirement for a sales return.

The StacksCity explainer video was selected to highlight these two aspects and show how, with a professional approach, even the most complicated financial services can be distilled into the simplest explanation. Clarity, along with a compelling story and beautiful visuals, make for an exciting presentation that effortlessly captivates viewers.

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2. ID Finance

Animation gives infinite freedom to express anything that comes to mind. For businesses, it can do wonders with making their stories or messages more engaging and digestible for the viewer.

The ID Finance explainer is another amazing piece created using only animation. The entire concept here was built on constantly changing cubes that transform in size and color, while at the same time complementing the voice-over. This project is a fantastic source to get interesting ideas on how simply manipulating different shapes can be enough to create an outstanding finance explainer video.

3. Moven Finance App

Designing great visuals is not the only thing that makes a successful explainer video. It’s also important to have a bulletproof script. The script is your foundation to influence the viewers, make them agree with you, and persuade them to take action. It's the greatest tool to get your viewer take a big step forward with your business. And, when done right, those 60 seconds (or more) can be all that’s required to convey a winning message and achieve your marketing goal.

The script is what I want to highlight for this Moven App video. It takes the viewer on a seamless journey, all the way from the beginning to the end. "Take control of your money instead of being controlled by your money,” leaves the watcher with a charged line that serves as a strong emotion trigger.

So when you look for inspiration for your own business explainer video, remember to look at what others are doing to understand how they use the script to make their messages more persuasive.

4. MasterCard “By The Numbers”

“Keep it simple” is the best advice to making a successful explainer video for finance businesses.

The ''By The Numbers'' video shows how simple and understandable a marketing video should be. It needs to be possible for everyone to understand what your brand is all about. Watching this video, you'll also get your own picture of a simple yet convincing explainer video.

5. LFF 2025

Animation has become an important medium to convey ideas more efficiently. Not only for businesses, but also governments - many different countries use this tool to market their messages.

Luxemburg shares its vision about the future of financial stability with an animated explainer video. It's hard to reimagine a more attractive and spectacular video than this. They built a fantastic, dynamic animation to make the look of the future a reality in terms of investments in sustainable financial products.

6. Why PennyBooks?

We all know that visuals help us to better understand, but what about the use of specific colors? You’re probably not surprised; colors too can affect the way we understand different things.

The Penny Books video is solid proof of that statement. In the actions of these candy-colored funny characters, the video sheds all the boring associations with accounting. Watching this video, the viewer subconsciously feels that this platform offers a solution to their problems. It’s easy to see by watching the Penny Book video that with a good color palette, we can totally change the way people understand our services.

7. PayPal Ubiquity

What do pigeons in New York or Americans named Bob have in common with PayPal? Many would say nothing, but this “nothing” made the PayPal Ubiquity videos go viral.

Find ways to compare and contrast with your video - it’s what made PayPal’s videos so successful. With elements that normally have nothing in common, they created crazy comparisons and in turn, captivating content.

They also thought it out well with the design, creating fantastic visuals that can’t be ignored. Ultimately, the company had immense success with its Ubiquity videos with a full launch across Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram.

8. Money Farm

Moneyfarm is about efficient and secure investments. So, to build a more clear view of what the platform offers, the producers built scenes that highlighted their goals and organically developed their explanation.

Showing the journey of one coin - that with better investment decisions transforms into three coins - is a spectacular explanation of financial services. To create such highly memorable and converting content, the team had to integrate different animation techniques with real-life footage that draws you in completely.

If you're also inspired by different visuals, remember that when choosing this style you should understand that each of the scenes can be different, but the general idea should stay consistent.

Useful Resource
Types of Animation Styles You May Use for Your Next Marketing Project

9. Meet Visa

When you better than anyone else know what your brand means, then you’ll probably also know better how to strengthen and expand what your brand means.

This video is all about showing, once again, what Visa means for everyone around the world. I love the concept of this video, as instead of talking about what different people around the world can get with Visa, it shows how people change their lives with it. This rather simple concept makes this video so much more attractive and a perfect fit for what their brand is all about.

10. Chase First Banking

There were times when banking services were all filmed in live-action. Now everything has changed and you’ll hardly find any business - including banking services - that don’t use animation in their video marketing.

Chase is no exception. Using dynamic motion graphics with the perfect voice-over and sound design, they made this finance marketing video truly impressive.

Must Reed
Animation Vs. Live Action: Which is Better for Your Business Video

Final Words -

Gone are the days of stuffy, boring, live-action videos for the financial industry. Animated explainer videos have taken over, and with good reason. They’re economical, efficient, and able to be created to show whatever your imagination can come up with. If you’ve been playing around with the idea of creating your own finance explainer video, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always available for a free consultation.

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