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Hijack promises to disrupt the rideshare industry – more money for drivers, lower fares for riders, and a better experience for everyone.

It is the world’s first transportation eco-system built on blockchain creating a new experience that empowers the user.

Here’s how Hijack works:

  • All Hijack transactions uses the JACK token.
  • Hijack Drivers receive JACKs based on our Proof of Drive algorithm; Drivers enjoy additional rewards on top of earnings!
  • Hijack Riders are also rewarded JACKs simply by riding with us!
  • Understanding the Blockchain is not required – when activated, the Hijack Automated Exchange converts JACKs to money, seamlessly.
  • Drivers may spend their JACKs immediately with the Hijack debit card. No more waiting for a payout to buy gas or supplies.
  • And best of all, there are zero commissions, which means more money for drivers and cheaper rides for riders.

Rewards for Driving, Rewards for Riding, Rewards for Referring a friend to Hijack. Every Hijack Trip is truly a Rewarding one!

It’s time for ridesharing to truly share.

hud animation
blockhain company video


Animation production: Yans Media

Style: 2d motion graphics

Vertical(s): Blockchain Industry

Creative Direction: Hakob Gepenyan

Story Board&Illustration: Anet Hovhannisyan, Gayane Hakobian

Motion Graphics: Gevorg Vardanyan

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