10 Examples Of Fabulous Small Business Explainer Videos

Digital marketing is just as important for small businesses as it's for big brands. Here're 10 effective explainer videos made specifically for small businesses.

10 Examples Of Fabulous Small Business Explainer Videos

Small businesses always have an uphill battle when it comes to holding their own or growing their numbers. Since many startups and small businesses are actively using explainer videos, we’ve decided to create a top list of small business explainer videos.

Small Business Explainer Videos

Here are the best examples of how an explainer video can be used for marketing and help increase awareness.

1. Cyclops

This explainer video is a perfect example of how you can break complex ideas into simple ones, explaining them in the best and easiest ways. Showing how the product works in detail is a prime idea in case a segment of your viewers are unfamiliar about any new technologies you’re using.

This explainer video takes you on a journey through the whole process of how the Cyclops cloud-based platform works and the ways your business can benefit from it.

2. Airalo

The shorter the better — you can’t go wrong with that advice. To create a successful explainer video, you don’t need to explain all the details and all the extra features. Or in this case, show all the available local rates in different countries.

All Airalo needed was to motivate the traveler to check the app for acquiring affordable data roaming. In this example, 38 seconds was just enough to deliver this idea to the viewer and motivate them to download the app. Using warm colors helps align the video with a travel-themed mood.

3. Oval

A combination of live-action and animation is the right choice when you need to convey emotions and display elements of how the actual product works. In this business explainer video, we learn how we can transfer a positive experience through video. At the same time, the animated elements show the basics of how it works.

Changing the environment and using two different stories with different artists is the second thing I like in this video, as it helps the viewer to stay locked in and keep watching until the end.

4. InYard

Sometimes choosing motion graphics helps to stay vague and prevent showing or being associated with a certain product line. In this example video, we see how motion graphics production helped the creators of the video avoid associations with any product version that one day may be out of production. They could also prevent choosing any specific design so the viewer won’t make any wrong assumptions about the style of their products.

Instead, in this business video, we can see how simply and easily they explain the main idea behind their business of getting your furniture directly from production, designing it in your taste, and customizing it on your budget.

5. TrueCar

TrueCar is a platform that helps you find the best cars in every category. Simple and understandable is the main goal of this video, successfully achieved in just a 30-second business explainer video.

The visual aspect of this video is compelling too, so the viewer is more likely to watch the whole story till the end.

Useful Recourse
Everything You Should Know About 30 Second Explainer Videos

6. E-Butler

From start to end, the story is a joy to watch. A bright sound design, warm colors, and custom characters put the viewer in the right mood. You can almost watch the whole video in one breath.

If you’re a potential customer who needs to know what E-Butler is, you grasp the entire concept just by watching this video once.

7. Sleep – Headspace

If you want to see an example of turning a uniquely creative idea into an explainer video, here it is. The Headspace explainer video is a perfect example. Creating a character with electric body parts is a smart and creative choice that helped Headspace show how you can switch off your mind and ease your body using their app.

Choosing a calm voiceover artist helps you actually experience Headspace and bring a welcome sense of peace to your mind.

8. Arlo Smart

When creating an explainer video, it’s important to follow the branding of the business. In this explainer video, we see how the producers use the main color of the brand and build all the main visuals in it.

A perfect example of an explainer video that also motivates the viewer to make a buying decision.

9. Cricket ID

If you’re looking for a video that explains a sports business idea, this could be a perfect example for inspiration.

It’s important to keep a quick pace if you’re explaining something about sports. You should also formulate your message using active sound design and voiceover. Keeping it short is the next important rule when creating a message for the fitness or sports community. This business explainer video about Cricket ID is a perfect example of how a sports explainer video should be.

10. Meltwater

The Meltwater explainer video is one of the brightest explainer video examples on my list. It grabs the viewer’s attention from the opening seconds. And then you want to watch the entire thing. The production team has done a great job creating this piece of artwork. At the same time, the explanation part of the video is simple and easy to understand.

Final Words

Explainer video is the perfect marketing tool to help your small business strengthen and achieve new heights. It’s also the perfect tool to start a conversation with your audience and to build trust with them.

If you’ve got a small business and would like to discuss how an explainer video fits in your funnel, we’re always happy to provide a free consultation.


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