Heartbreaking Christmas Video Campaigns That Took The Marketing World By Storm

This article talks about those legendary holiday video marketing campaigns.

Heartbreaking Christmas Video Campaigns That Took The Marketing World By Storm

Holidays (for most people) are opportunities for marketers.

Be it the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving or Christmas or anything else, if the vibe is happy, it’s probably a good time to sell.

No wonder why every business offers hefty discounts around this time.

This makes the buyers and sellers happy. However, in the backend a mechanism runs to fuel this whole BUSINESS cycle.

It’s called Marketing.

We can’t say that every sale is the result of a marketing campaign, but when done right advertising really boosts sales.

As marketers, we are all aware of this. And most probably, we have all tried one thing or the other to make our marketing campaign successfully leverage the business potential which holidays hold.

But then, keeping the trials aside, some brands have totally nailed the marketing goals with their holiday video campaigns.

This article talks about those legendary holiday video marketing campaigns.

Let us see what we can learn from them.

Amazing Christmas Video Campaigns That Took The Marketing World By Storm

Be it for a Facebook video campaign or to go to YouTube, a great video ad always pays off well.

And talking of the best campaigns of all time, here’s a list of 5 Christmas Video Campaigns that we can all learn from.

1. Microsoft – Let There Be Peace On Earth

This ad came out around Christmas in 2015. While the long known rivalry of Apple and Microsoft persists, Microsoft made a mention of Apple in this commercial.

The motto, as it appears and sounds is to bring peace.

The ad starts with musical keyboard being played on a Microsoft tablet followed by Microsoft employees walking towards 5th Avenue (Apple’s office).

There they rendezvous and sing a carol along with kids saying “Let there be peace on Earth and let it start with me”.

You get the point, right? Watch the ad maybe? It’ll give a better idea.

That’s a sweet message, right?

This is one Video campaign by Microsoft which almost everyone loved.

What Can We Learn From This Amazing Ad Campaign?

As the festive season arrives, everyone gets in a happy mood. Nobody wants to talk about the rivalries.

We as advertisers and marketers need to understand this.

Just as Microsoft said, let there be peace and let it start with me, it sends out a warm-fuzzy feeling that inflicts happiness and happy seasons greetings.

That’s like lending a hand to friendship. Something that everyone appreciates.

2. Westjet’s 12,000 Mini-Miracles

Festivals are celebrations of emotions. That’s what makes them warm and happy.

Westjet seems to understand this.

In December 2015, for the Christmas in Canada, Westjet decided to make happen 12,000 miracles.

And what they really meant by miracles? Well, they decided to lighten up the Christmas for 12,000 people in 24 hours. From donations to return tickets to Disneyland, they did all of it.

This beautiful gesture by them brought great smiles on 12,000 faces and obviously made their Christmas a little happier.

And if you can’t wait to get your eyes on the video, here you go.

And there you see? They are the Westjet employees indulging in random acts of kindness to spread happiness on Christmas.

While they first aimed at fixing 12,000 miracles, the final numbers crossed 31,000. A great thing to boast.

This sure worked for their brand’s image. And above that, the video that they made is meant to make everyone feel warm and happy about these holidays.

What Can We Learn From This?

No matter what the occasion is, happiness is contagious. And that’s how it should be.

Westjet took the ‘make a wish’ tag to a new level. They went on to spread thousands of smiles. And we as viewers totally loved to watch that happen.

Talking about how they marketed their products, it was pretty evident.

First, they were nice. Second, they were sweet. Third, they were generous, giving away gifts to everyone they could. Gifts which included free WestJet air tickets too.

As a result. hundreds and thousands of people would have tried Westjet’s service and liked it too.

This would have bought them many new customers. And the reputation as a generous airlines company believing in making miracles happen goes without saying.

So, we know that people always appreciate generous acts of kindness. If your brand indulges in such acts, they feel connected to your brand.

3. John Levis – The Long Wait

We need to admit that this is one of the best and most genius video campaign ideas.

The ad starts with the kid waiting for a long period of time. The rest, I’d like you to watch first.

The way it is shown kind of tricks viewers into believing that the kid is either waiting for his dad (who later shows up and the kid still keeps waiting, so NO!) or Santa.

But then it takes a cute turn when post-dinner the kid goes to bed waking up on the Christmas day and first thing in the morning, giving Gift to the parents. And then the tagline appears. “John Lewis: for gifts you can’t wait to give”. Super sweet! Super creative!

The way it commences and the way it ends kicks in an element of surprise.

This muses greatly.

What Can We Learn From This?

No matter what the occasion is, happiness is contagious. And that’s how it should be.

Westjet took the ‘make a wish’ tag to a new level. They went on to spread thousands of smiles. And we as viewers totally loved to watch that happen.

Talking about how they marketed their products, it was pretty evident.

First, they were nice. Second, they were sweet. Third, they were generous, giving away gifts to everyone they could. Gifts which included free WestJet air tickets too.

As a result. hundreds and thousands of people would have tried Westjet’s service and liked it too.

This would have bought them many new customers. And the reputation as a generous airlines company believing in making miracles happen goes without saying.

So, we know that people always appreciate generous acts of kindness. If your brand indulges in such acts, they feel connected to your brand.

4. Lenovo – The Joy Of Giving

The festive season is made festive when you make someone happy.

In this video ad by Lenovo, the same is being portrayed. It starts with a poor old man crafting a wooden horse which he later gives to a little girl who stops by and smiles to him.

Filled with emotions and empathy for the poor old man, the girl decides to lighten up his Christmas.

By the place where he sleeps on the sidewalk, the girl places a gift along with a Christmas tree on which lights are being projected by a Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro Tab. This attracts more gifts from other pedestrians walking by.

And then this poor old man wakes up to this.

The screen says “Project a little joy this holiday season”.

Now, provided the fact that Yoga Tab 3 Pro had an in-built projector, this video was totally genius.

Also, the way it displays and promotes the feeling of Christmas is heartwarming.

Have a look yourself.

Happy vibes, right? Wait for the next one. It’ll melt your heart.

What Can We Learn From This?

Holidays and the festive season is a lot about giving. The joy which is shared between the person presenting the gift and the one receiving it is unmatchable.

Also, Lenovo uses an amazing catch-phrase which goes smoothly with their product.

“Project a little joy this holiday season”.

This tagline works better than most other options could have because this included the speciality of their product. Projector. As the Yoga Tab 3 had an in-built projector.

5. Glade ‘The Greatest Gift’

‘Glade’, a room fresheners manufacturer in 2015 came up with a great ad idea for Christmas.

The ad starts with an old man sitting alone in his house neighboring to a young couple celebrating Christmas together.

The clip takes viewers around the old man’s house, showing his gone wife’s picture which he carries most of the times. It’s pretty evident that he is alone during the festive season. Which is sad.

Doing all his chores alone, one evening he gets ready to go out for a while. When he walks alone to his car, the lady from the happy young couple sees him and feels empathetic towards his loneliness.

She decides to decorate his house as a sweet Christmas gesture.

The man drives back home to find his door decorated with Christmas lights and gets filled with warm-fuzzy feelings of happiness.

Video ends saying Feel Joy. Feel Glade. Great idea, right? Watch the video, you’d love it.

This was truly heart-warming. A great way of conveying emotions and inflicting something beautiful. A feeling of the joy of giving and making others’ Christmas a little more like Christmas.

What Can We Learn From This?

This is one perfect example of empathy. Understanding somebody’s true feelings means a lot.

Glade with this video might have tried to imply how they understand what their users like. But keeping that aside, they made a strong point on how Christmas is about spreading joy and happiness. Sure they could connect well with users like this.

A good way to boost user engagement and to send out a message that they understand their users’ needs.

Final Words

As we can easily conclude from the examples above, Christmas season is perfect for growing as a brand and gaining popularity.

Ultimately, this results in more sales as well. Meaning more profit.

Looking at all the videos above, what we can learn is that emotions always matter to people. And when it’s festive season, feelings of happiness can easily be triggered.

That’s where a great video campaign comes to play.

Just pull the right heart-strings at the right place and right time and you’ll leave a long-lasting impact. Simple.

About The Author

Vaibhav Kakkar is the CEO of Digital Web Solutions, a globally trusted agency with a full suite of digital marketing & development solutions. Vaibhav believes in building system over services, and has invested in multiple tech startups including RankWatch, NotifyFox and a CRM software to help scale up client agencies from scratch to niche-leaders with million dollar turnovers.

Vaibhav Kakkar
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