Expert Insights: Explainer Video Script Secrets from 11 Professional Copywriters

We've interviewed the script experts to get professional advice straight from the source, as when it comes to quality information, nothing beats actual experience

Expert Insights: Explainer Video Script Secrets from 11 Professional Copywriters

Crafting compelling explainer video scripts requires a blend of creativity, clarity, and strategy.

To uncover the best practices in the industry, we interviewed some of the most experienced and successful scriptwriters. From detailed research to engaging storytelling, these experts shared their invaluable tips and actionable advice.

Here’s what we learned from our conversations with Tim Savage, Ben Harvell, Susan Greene, Darren Buser, Clea Sherman, Sally Ormond, David Burke, Haroon Riaz, Georgiy Sviridov, Erica Jabali, and Jess Mizerak.

1. Do Your Homework

Thorough research is crucial. Understanding your client's needs and expectations can make all the difference. Always ask discovery questions to uncover vital information. For example, knowing where the video will be used (beyond social media) can significantly influence its direction.

Actionable Tip: Before you start writing, compile a list of essential questions to ask your client. This will help you tailor the script to their specific needs and avoid last-minute changes. Questions might include: "Where will this video be shown?", "Who is the target audience?", and "What is the primary goal of this video?"

2. Keep It Short and Simple

Complex sentences and buzzwords can alienate your audience. Keeping sentences short and avoiding unnecessary jargon ensures your message is clear and engaging.

Actionable Tip: Write your script in a way that’s easy to understand, using simple language and short sentences. Imagine explaining your product to someone who knows nothing about it – clarity is key.

3. Focus on the Viewer’s Benefit

Addressing the viewer’s pain points is essential. Your audience cares about how your product or service will improve their lives.

Actionable Tip: Start your script by identifying a problem your audience faces. Then introduce your product as the solution, highlighting the benefits it offers. Ask yourself, "What problem does my product solve for my viewers?" and "How will this make their lives better?"

4. Write Visually

Consider how your words will translate into visuals. Writing scripts that are dynamic and visually engaging helps keep your audience hooked.

Actionable Tip: As you write, visualize how each part of the script will be depicted. Ensure your words and visuals complement each other. For example, if you mention a feature, think about what image or animation could best illustrate that point.

5. Use Metaphors and Avoid Puffery

Metaphors can simplify complex ideas and engage viewers at a higher level. Conversely, avoid using excessive hype and buzzwords.

Actionable Tip: Incorporate metaphors to clarify complex concepts. Stick to realistic benefits and avoid exaggerated claims. Instead of saying, "This app is revolutionary," you might say, "This app works like a personal assistant, helping you manage your day more efficiently."

6. Craft a Clear Structure

A straightforward structure enhances clarity and impact: describe the problem, introduce the solution, explain how it works, and end with a call to action.

Actionable Tip: Follow this four-step structure for clarity and impact. Make sure your call to action is specific and compelling. For instance, "Download our app today to start saving time and money."

7. Read Aloud and Test Your Script

Reading your script out loud ensures it flows naturally when spoken. This step can reveal awkward phrases or unclear segments.

Actionable Tip: Record yourself reading the script or ask a friend to do it. Listen for any rough edges and refine them. This helps ensure that the script sounds natural and engaging when voiced.

8. Focus on the Pain Point

Center your script around the main problem your product solves. This keeps the message relevant and engaging.

Actionable Tip: Focus your script on addressing the primary pain point of your audience. This makes the content more relatable and engaging. For example, "Are you tired of spending hours on tedious tasks? Our software automates these tasks, giving you more time to focus on what matters."

9. Keep It Short and to the Point

Lengthy videos lose viewers. Aim to hook your audience within the first few seconds and keep the total video length to a maximum of 90 seconds.

Actionable Tip: Aim to hook your audience within the first few seconds and keep the total video length to a maximum of 90 seconds. Start with a compelling question or statement to grab attention immediately.

10. Ensure Visual-Audio Alignment

Effective explainer videos engage both auditory and visual channels simultaneously. Synchronizing your script with visuals ensures a cohesive message.

Actionable Tip: Write your script with clear visual cues in mind. Ensure every part of the narration is supported by appropriate visuals. For example, if your script mentions a process, show an animation of that process.

11. Engage Directly with Your Audience

Using personal pronouns like “you” and “your” creates a connection and makes the content more engaging.

Actionable Tip: Write your script as if you’re having a conversation with the viewer. Use direct and personal language to engage them. Instead of saying, "Our product offers many benefits," say, "You will benefit from using our product."

12. Include a Strong Call to Action

A clear call to action (CTA) is essential for converting viewers into customers. Make it specific and compelling.

Actionable Tip: End your video by telling viewers exactly what to do next, whether it’s signing up, making a purchase, or contacting you. Reinforce the benefits to motivate action. For example, "Sign up today to start your free trial and see the difference for yourself."

13. Don’t Agonize Over Words

Remember that progress is better than perfection. Once you’ve checked for major errors, go ahead and publish your video.

Actionable Tip: Once you’ve checked for major errors, go ahead and publish your video. You can always refine and iterate based on feedback. Don’t let the pursuit of perfection delay your launch.

14. Visualize the Story

The structure of an explainer video should be clear and precise, reflecting a concise narrative.

Actionable Tip: Create a storyboard alongside your script to visualize how each part of the narrative will unfold. This helps you see how the script and visuals will work together.

15. Practice and Refine

Experience is the best teacher. Write regularly and seek feedback to hone your skills.

Actionable Tip: Write regularly and seek feedback. Practice with different products and services to improve your skills. Share your scripts with colleagues or mentors and incorporate their feedback to refine your craft.

By incorporating these expert tips and actionable advice, you can craft compelling explainer video scripts that engage your audience, convey your message clearly, and drive action. Happy scriptwriting!


Crafting a great explainer video script is both an art and a science. By incorporating these expert tips and actionable advice, you can create videos that captivate your audience, deliver your message clearly, and drive action. Remember, the key is to keep it simple, engaging, and focused on the viewer's needs. Happy scriptwriting!

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