Why product video?

A good product video can do more for your product in a minute or two than an entire website can.
  • Captures visitor attention immediately
  • Explains your product quickly and efficiently
  • Boosts conversion rates
  • Demonstrates the product in action
  • Builds trust and credibility
  • Improves SEO and search rankings

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What questions should a product video answer

  • The problem my product solves
  • The solution
  • One sentence answer to “Why should someone use my product?”
  • How is my product different?
  • 2-3 supporting benefits
  • Strong and clear call to action

That’s it! Keep it short, keep it simple. Get them interested, and get them to take action.

How long does it take to create an animated product video?

Generally, it takes 5 – 8 weeks to create a product video. Rush projects are possible for an additional cost.

How much does it cost to make an animated product video?

At Yans Media, our typical range for product videos is between $4500 and $8500 per minute. This gets you a professional team of writers, artists, and project managers to create a product video that best suits your needs. We’re also happy to talk with you about bigger projects as well. Just ask!
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